The Solar War Audiobooks


22 thoughts on “The Solar War Audiobooks”

  1. I just used my credits on audible. Just finished the whole series. That was a big big ass plot twist at the end. I knew something was coming. It's somewhat expected but also not.
    I overall did enjoy it. It does if you think about sound depressing.

    I guess one issue I constantly thought of was how much James keeps secret from Emma. And she is aware of it. She does it as well about the baby. But I think she as reason to a degree. He keeps hiding so much throughout the series. I just don't see a wife being okay with that lol.

    I guess another issues is the books being to short to really expand the characters. The dialogue typically is always the here and now and only the plot and we don't get to explore other characters. However many many books are very guilty of this. So I just take it as the norm in the industry.

    Then I alway thought it was weird how the main group seems to be the only once capable of fixing the crisis they face. They make it sound like Izumi and Gregory are the only doctor and engineer in the world and they have so much on their shoulders.
    Like no other characters. It does keep it all a lot simple and I assume they have unnamed help.
    However I think the end of book 3 explains a lot of why we don't get as many charcters to a degree. But that's a spoiler.

  2. Really enjoyed the whole story. It is just so unfortunate that the publisher decided to overwrite the ending with a strange piano song. Not sure what the intention behind of this was – so my overall critique crashes from great down to wtf.

  3. Ive listened to book one and now started this one …thank you for posting. ☺️ But can you share it is the full book? Just reading someone else's comment and wanting to ensure. Thank you so much, I'm enjoying this series.

  4. Book 3 please? It should recap what was lost in book 2 towards the end. I think people want their music talents heard by doing this? Cuz it happens a lot on audiobooks. They sometimes play the music in the middle of the book too, or over the reading of the book which is very frustrating. Thank you for your uploads, and maybe heed some of the advice for future uploads? Again, I very much appreciate 🙏 your uploads!

  5. Why are the only power alternatives looked into are SOLAR & WIND??? As advanced as they seem to be WHY ARE THEY NOT USING THE FREE ENERGY AVAILABLE SHOWN TO US BY TESLA OVER 100 YEARS AGO??????????


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