The Simpsons Made an Anime?! – The Simpsons Meets Death Note

The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors 33rd special decided to make a parody of Death Note. But it wasn’t just a parody… they ANIMATED the Simpsons in Anime style! Given their reputation for writting recently has gone downhill, is this adaptation any good? Lets find out!

#thesimpsons #deathnote #anime #treehouseofhorror


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46 thoughts on “The Simpsons Made an Anime?! – The Simpsons Meets Death Note”

  1. Wouldn't it make more sense to have Bart be the Sinogami…. idk Every Simpsons episode past like the year 2000 have been missed opportunity's and terrible….. Heck do a full episode instead of a normal tree house of horror, make them full episode length over 3 episodes… really spice it up…

  2. I'm just gonna say the most recent seasons of The Simpsons is pretty good, people love to harp on about how "modern Simpsons is trash" when they likely haven't watched the show in years and have no actual idea of what the shows current quality is like

  3. Finally someone said that Death Tome is just meh. Death Note parody in comic is WAY funnier have a good manga quality AND L's real identity twist.
    Plus Ned there looks like Light's dad! And Misa cameo!

  4. The Simpson's is normally animated by Toei support studio AKOM famous for there off model episodes of "The Transformers".. Basically because of workflow the show is Animated in South Korea. I actually kind of hope they move to DR Movie for the primary animation the middle segment looked higher budget than the rest of the episode.

  5. I actually enjoyed the Anime Simpsons episode, and I agree that the Westworld style segment had an amazing ending. But the anime segment was the ONLY thing that had me watching the Simpsons at all.

  6. While aware of them, I haven't seen West World or Babadook, having only learned of the latter when a character in a comic I read made reference to it. Death Note was the only thing I had actually seen. Still I enjoyed it well enough.

    Admittedly Tree House of Horror has gotten a bit off base with them just doing movie parodies, especially with parodies of non-horror movies. Although Avatar was a good excuse to Kang and Kodos in the actual story again. I do miss the framing devices they had in earlier Tree House of Horrors.

    To be fair about killing off Steve, he did pressure Lisa into killing people. Mr. Burns casually talking about destroying the environment is pretty on brand for him, but it was Steve who talked Lisa into killing the executives without waiting to see if the project would shut down after Burns died. Lisa already tried to kill Bard once for trying to catch her just from the news report, not bothering to explain (justify) why it was a good thing, and it seems like finding out he is her brother and him having the ability to plead for his life had more of an impact on her sparing him rather than the fact he hadn't done anything to harm the environment.

  7. I still watch the Simpsons weekly, with my family if possible. They did two Tree House of Horrors this year. The week before the Death Note one they did It, with Krusty the Clown as Pennywise. However they spend the whole episode on parts 1 & 2.

  8. i startto watch most new episodes of the Simpsons but some i just turn off or just play on my phone during because to quote Bob( Belcher)" they aren't really that good anyway, I mean they could be good if that had stuff and such that made them less bad….."

  9. The Simpsons have definitely fallen big time. They need to just end it and yea Disney taking it over pissed me off. I was done with them when they added politics to an episode. I don't care where you fall with politics they aren't needed in our favorite shows. I feel like maybe they're running out of ideas for Tree House of Horrors which like I said they need to end it.

  10. Honestly couldn't tell you the last time I watched the Simpsons until hearing about this episode. Was a fan back when it was a short on the Tracey Ullman Show, but it eventually got stale and became the show Fox used to promote other shows before invariably moving them to crap slots then cancelling them.

    TBH I quit South Park years ago as well. If anything it got stale faster than the Simpsons.

    But this one was funny. I agree the segments were too short. This could have gone a full 45-48 minutes and been better for it.
    Given the time constraints they did a pretty good job.

  11. I'm a die hard Simpson fan who has seen every episode and enjoyed them all. The last anime show I seen was Yu-Gi-Oh (original) After seeing the Simpson turns into this style of anime was good but I did wish Bart was in that story a bit longer. Mostly because Bart is my favorite lol.

  12. I agree the ending was too rushed but the episode as a whole was okay. Remember, Fox is owned by Disney now and thier stratagy for the last several years has been quantity, not quality. I.E – make a ton of crud with the big names on it and push them out fast to see what sticks. A great example of that is everything they've done to the Star Wars franchise.

  13. With how much I hate Mallow this might actually be better than the second half of Death Note but definitely not the first part. With that being said, was it ever proven love that Light became a shinigami after the events of Death Note. I’ve seen the last few episodes but trust me, I only did that because of my love for Misa Misa


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