The Silent Killer of South Korea That Murdered 1500 Young People

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33 thoughts on “The Silent Killer of South Korea That Murdered 1500 Young People”

  1. I can't believe this. This feels like a really really really bad joke. Those people are disgusting. I'm so sorry for the victims. This could be perfectly avoided.

  2. Have any of your heard about a woman in her 30s who acted as a nurse and injected the babies this went on for 6-7 months and she killed 7 babies planning to kill I think 6 more and got arrested not by the head of the hospital cause there was accusations about her murdering babies but like the head of the hospital didn’t believe it until a nurse called the police and there proof was that she’d been written it on some documents confessing that she’d killed babies truly disgusting

  3. this reminds me of a case that happened in my country (Tunisia) where more than 12 newborns died in one unit in a public hospital and we still got no answers. we were told it was a fault in the milk bottle preparation. it was horrific the deaths happened on the same night and it was a tragedy that shocked the whole nation.

  4. Jeez… Around 11:00 is why I'd be so quick to abort. Oh this baby is not viable? Abort! Let's try again. Re-roll.

    Maybe it's my tisms but frankly, it feels cruel to even try to carry a foetus to term. Abort them before they have to suffer. Maybe give me a week to come to terms, but I'd want to terminate ASAP, for my physical health, the baby's comfort, and the health of my future offspring. And ultimately, my mental and emotional health, too. I don't need to further intensify the trauma I'm already feeling, for a blank, default human being soul, that will then be doomed to a arbitrarily slow and agonizing death.

    Talk about "cruel, excessive, and unusual." 😢

    I don't want to send hate to the mother here, I understand we are all different and pregnancy does all sorts of things to one's mind.

    But pregnancy and birth is super traumatic to the body. Why would you do that for someone who is not viable? That 0.001% chance comes with a side of suffering.

    I really just don't understand it.

  5. (fully agree with every serious comment on here, but) on a more positive note i'd like to point out your attention to detail in wardrobe, make up, background, lighting, and object placement. your obviously thorough research and the delivery of information is what truly sets your content apart from the rest. wish there had been more teachers like you when i was growing up (and now) because class would have been way more easy (and more accurate) to understand. yes, i know my grammar is trash-trash, dookie, poo-poo. also, to answer your question, apparently we all have microplastic particles in us? i don't even know. feel like we were definitely the generation of general anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder.

  6. as a korean who is (fortunately) not living in korea, they really should give their government and justice system a huge update because the education/schools, beauty standards, murders, punishments, SA, molka/hidden cameras are terrible and they arent doing anything about it. Koreas going to die off if no ones protecting the young and growing.

  7. i know how scary it feels to not be able to breathe properly. i was born under 2 pounds and so my lungs are underdeveloped. from that i have very bad asthma. the only way i can describe to people how it feels when you cant breathe is to think as if youre trying to breathe through a straw with a pea stuck inside it. feels impossible! and extremely scary. back in 2017 my lungs tried to take me out, landed me in the hospital.
    i can imagine just how terrified the child and mother felt not being able to breathe. it is also EXTREMELY painful. 😢❤

  8. I am not diminishing the responsibilities of either one of these companies but it does seem to me that the problem lies within the governments non disclosure and the misleading way they label non toxic. All are to blame.

  9. im happy to hear you dont use bleach and heavy cleaners. i have family members who only use heavy stuff like bleach to clean their home/apt and when they say about going to someone else's home who doesn't use harsh chemicals to clean they act like bec they cant smell the chemicals that the person who lives there isnt actually cleaning.
    as if soap and water doesnt clean stuff.
    i dont buy chemicals to clean my apt because my lungs cant be around it, even with windows and door open. its too much. it HURTS. and people get mad at me for not using chemicals and try to force me to use them. THEY are the ones suffering, damaging their PERFECTLY NORMAL lungs. im not about to make mine worse because people think chemicals are smart.
    i dont use a humidifier.
    and that orange glassy salt rock lamp that people have thats supposedly good for you, i got last year for Christmas from my aunt and i could only use it for a few days before i felt worse and was like NOPE this is dangerous.
    unplugged it and put it away in the closet. where i cant breathe it in. shed be mad if she knew because im sure it wasnt cheap but im not about ruining my lungs more than what i deal with on a daily basis. life is a struggle as it is.


  10. " he cant panic, he needs to stay calm!"
    ive trained myself not to panic when i cant breathe. if you panic you absolutely will pass out. and there is no way to know if you will ever wake up again once you do.
    its painful and very scary so it is definitely a "mind over matter" type of situation. i deal with it daily. not panicking immediately allowed you to mentally talk yourself through it,get to what medical care you may have nearby to help or get to a hospital if need be.

    i will tell you one thing, caffeine HELPS.
    it helps open up the lungs. if you dont have oxygen or youre out of your medication for your lungs and dont have an inhaler you need to get hot coffee and if not coffee then a soda with caffine in it and chug it!
    caffine really helps carry me along, esp when my allergies are flaring up ( makes it harder to breathe).

  11. and in case anyone needs to know how not to panic if you cant breathe;
    the way i trained myself is: in a bad asthma attack that will make me black out i immediately get a fan to blow on me. remove any clothes i can ( because my own skin will feel like an inferno from the inside out ), and focus on slowing my pulse down. all while grabbing my medicine to help. if it has been 5 minutes and im not calming down to my normal then get coffee/soda with caffine and chug it. still struggling after that then immediately call for an ambulance/ have whoever is near me drive me to hospital.
    if you dont have a fan you can sit in front of but you have a fridge and freezer, stick your face into the freezer.

    coldness helps.
    i do not know why but it does. at the very least to keep me calm!
    which is VERY important.

  12. And yet, we saw the exact same thing with Pfizer and its covid vaccines, a company that's been forced to pay more than 5 billion in fines and reparations within the span of a few decades. When anybody talked out about it or voiced concerns, they were immediately labelled 'anti-vaxxers'. We need more critical thinking in this world… such a sad, sad story, and a warning to people to never trust in big corporations blindly. They have so many people in their pockets, including those who run the country. Profits is all they care about in the end.

  13. this literally made my blood boil. its so infuriating that these huge corporations and conglomerate's keep getting away with this. there has to be some type of worldwide reforms that can be done. nothing feels safe anymore, you can't trust any companies these days.

  14. All these governments, mega corps, and institutions who never take accountability and do the bare minimum to save themselves instead, they do it because who will punish them? Money eliminates fear of retribution and the more of it you have, the more you can get away with. What can anyone do? We dont have money to combat them and not enough people care to not buy from.

    Such a sad and hopeless system the world operates in. Thankfully the government in SK did the bare minimum to save themselves. 🙃

  15. Same company that killed hundreds of thousands through the opioid crisis also made a cleaner that killed infants and young parents. Doesn't even surprise me anymore. It's like they sit down and think " how can we kill people and make heaps of money in the process. Pain killers and cleaning products. Everyone uses them everyone needs them! " it's a joke

  16. globally, i think vape is the next toxic thing that will be discovered many years from now. when it’s too late. sadly, a lot of younger generations are getting into vape just to be in and we still dont know the true long term effect of it in our body..

  17. Baby powder from the johnson as nd story is exactly like down to the declared bankruptcy and rebranded cuz in the if u go bankrupt u wont have to have to repay or pay ur lawsuits as nd as a new company they werent sued so but the story is exactly the same but different product then the company was able to a covid vaccine which caused bloodclots and ppl got the vaccine knowing thier shady past snd they went on to have failed product that harmed ppl like thier shampoo made ur hair fall out sunscreen that didnt work and sued twice more and that was before they made thier vaccine which took without question well pizer is even worse


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