The Signs in the Heavens Context with Lee Brainard

In this exclusive interview, Lee Brainard joins me at the Tip of the Spear studio to discuss what the Bible says about the signs of “The Day of The Lord”. We dive deep into the topic and explore the recent rumors surrounding the eclipse, blood moons and the supposed superstitions of signs of judgement. Join us for this enlightening conversation and learn more about this fascinating subject.

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23 thoughts on “The Signs in the Heavens Context with Lee Brainard”

  1. UHGGG you ppl have NO idea what the proper Hebraic interpretation of prophets say about thing anymore then Markell or Lindsey or Peters or mcarther does. I wasted time to listen and Figured so much with your SUN godday Papal SUN day churchianity realm platform / western minded and its garbage sorceries poisoning your minds what is what.

  2. I appreciate your sincere study and hermeneutic. However, this is hyperbolic language, not literal language. If a star fell to the earth, we would all die in a millisecond, and that would eliminate the chance for life that scripture say exists when Christ returns.

  3. This is why pre-tribers will never understand prophecy. The DAY of the Lord is the DAY our Lord and savior RETURNS. It is NOT a long period of time. How do I know this? The Lord said he would RETURN like a THIEF. Rev3:3. How many times does this happen? And how long will it take Jesus to get here? > (Hint Mt 24:27) So, how hard is it to understand Peter? 2Pt3:10 The DAY of the Lord will COME, COME, COME as a THIEF, in which the Heavens will pass away and the Earth BURNED UP. So, how can there be ANYONE left behind??? Paul says the same thing. 1Thes 5:2. The DAY of the Lord is the EXACT same thing as COMING as a THIEF. Do you believe Peter and Paul or pre-trib teachers?

  4. I thank you so much for this clarity because I know exactly what you are addressing! As a student of eschatology I received several videos regarding the eclipse and saw interviews which I found gripping. Yet I kept thinking I need to better understand truth through God's word regarding this. I did wonder if it is a way for the Lord to speak to us and the towns it went through, well the names seemed meaningful. But I only want TRUTH and not be deceived!

  5. I have an acquaintance that I''ve known for about 8 years. Me and him agree on many facets of life, and until very recently I thought we had a similar understanding of the Bible. However recently, he's been talking a lot about "The Dominion Covenant". He also talks a lot about a couple of guys, Gary North and R.J. Rushdoony who he says helped to inform his worldview. So I looked into the dominion covenant and Rushdoony, North and others who started this movement called Christian Reconstructionism somewhere around 1970. Wow, was I shocked at the things they believe, including a POST Millenial return of Christ.
    Has anyone else been in this situation and were you able to have a fruitful discussion with the person? He said that he is firm and unmovable in his stance.

  6. "Prophesy experts" are always clueless or dismissive of apocalyptic literature in the bible. You should not take Jesus' words in the Olivet Discourse and exegete them in a vacuum. Cosmic dissolution and signs in the heavens are both hyperbolic and symbols for the judgments of nations on the earth. Like Jerusalem in 70 in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and in Luke 21.

    Go read Psalm 18 and Lamentations 2, both speaking of events in their past, in language of world-ending.

    Literalism isn't doing you any favors.

    Isaiah 13:17 dismantles your understanding of the passage being about the end of the world. There have been multiple days of the Lord throughout history. But only one Day of Christ forthcoming.

    The second coming is yet future and will be one event. Not separated by 3½-7 years. No pre-trib rapture, no future litteral physical reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

    Peter in Acts 2 says Joel 2 was fulfilled at Pentecost, yet you say it's not yet. Acts 4 has the believers praying as though Psalm 2 was a pressent reality; the ruling of the nations with a rod of iron and the nations raging. The nations rage now, and more at the release of Satan during his little season (could be now or future).

  7. So excited by this teaching, love it. Got this mental picture of the army of the Lord, the returning saints coming back on their horses and someone starts humming the William Tell overture 😂

  8. I'm 75, so, unless the Rapture happens really soon, I will already be watching what God intends for this planet and all creation from Heaven. I enjoy listening to most prophecy teachers because I usually learn something from each of them. They either strengthen my personal beliefs, or challenge them. I have changed my mind quite a few times about the end times and the events that occur before, during, and after. I tend to toss out a teacher's personal views though, and pay more attention to those who teach directly from Scripture. This is one video I will need to watch again, so I can copy the notes and charts and do my own study using all of the Scriptures that Lee mentioned. Thank you for posting this, Brandon. I have more rabbits to chase now!

  9. You mean a license plate, a movie, grocerie receipt, short sleeve shirt vision, nut found in your yard, a word or number in your spirit doesn't tell the rapture date?? Who knew…..!! 😏


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