The Shooter | FULL MOVIE | 1997 | Western, Action, Gunslinger

The Shooter AKA Deadly Shooter
In the 1880s in a small town in the old west a ‘shooter’ of reputation drifts into town. This hero is caught, brutally beaten and left for dead, only to be saved by a prostitute that has suffered at the hand of the town’s leaders. He finds himself framed for the brutal murder of an innocent family.

Michael Dudikoff
Randy Travis
Valerie Wildman

Directed by Fred Olen Ray (as Ed Raymond)

Edited for YouTube ad standards

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31 thoughts on “The Shooter | FULL MOVIE | 1997 | Western, Action, Gunslinger”

  1. Let The Word of Christ Dwell In You Richly!!! Confess For Yourself and Others!! Part 1.

    . 1. Let the Word of Christ Dwell In You Richly!!

    Colossians 3:16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord

    2. His Word will Build Us Up!!Acts 20:32

    And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

    .3. The Word Became Flesh Jesus!!John 1:14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    4. His Word Will Not Come Back To Him Void!!

    Isaiah 55:10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

    5. My Faith Comes By Hearing His Word!! It is Being Communicated to My Born again Re-Created spirit!!

    Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

    16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

    17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    Philemon 6 That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

    6. The Sower Sows the Word!! In Sowing god's Word In Myself and Others!!

    Mark 4:14

    The sower soweth the word.

    Confession: I am letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Me Richly, I am Confessing Who I am In Christ and What Jesus did For Me and Is Dong For Me Now as My Intercessor. Jesus you are THE WORD Made Flesh!! You died and Rose ForMe and I recevie You and Zoe Life!1 I am In Christ A New Creature!! By you were all Things Made and You Uphold all Things By The Word of Your Power You Uphold and Keep Me and Preserve Me!! By faith I am Commended to God and His Word which is Building me up and Showing me My Inheritance in Jesus!1 I'm an Heir Of God and Joint Heir with Jesus!! Heavenly Father your Word will not come back Void It will Bear Fruit in Me and Come to pass For Me and to those I send it to and Pray For In Jesus Name!!It will Prosper and Me and to those we send it to!!

    I have Heard The Good Report that Jesus you died for me and by your stripes I am Healed!! I am Redeemed!! My Faith comes by Hearing Your Word and is being Communicated to my spieit and to those I send The Word To. The Word is Being Communicated and deposited into my Inner Man as I confess and Acknowledge Who I am In Christ and Speak The Word!! It is Effectual and Energized In Me and those I send it to!!

    Jesus Said The Sower Sows the Word. I get to sow God's Word To Others and See Them Saved, and Blessed and Healed and Provided For, and They can Find pout what Jesus di for them and Find out Their Inheritance In Christ!!

    Jesus Word Are Spirit and Life For Our spirits!!!

    Confession: I am letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Me Richly, I am Confessing Who I am In Christ and What Jesus did For Me and Is Dong For Me Now as My Intercessor. Jesus you are THE WORD Made Flesh!! You died and Rose ForMe and I recevie You and Zoe Life!1 I am In Christ A New Creature!! By you were all Things Made and You Uphold all Things By The Word of Your Power You Uphold and Keep Me and Preserve Me!! By faith I am Commended to God and His Word which is Building me up and Showing me My Inheritance in Jesus!1 I'm an Heir Of God and Joint Heir with Jesus!! Heavenly Father your Word will not come back Void It will Bear Fruit in Me and Come to pass For Me and to those I send it to and Pray For In Jesus Name!!It will Prosper and Me and to those we send it to!!

    I have Heard The Good Report that Jesus you died for me and by your stripes I am Healed!! I am Redeemed!! My Faith comes by Hearing Your Word and is being Communicated to my spieit and to those I send The Word To. The Word is Being Communicated and deposited into my Inner Man as I confess and Acknowledge Who I am In Christ and Speak The Word!! It is Effectual and Energized In Me and those I send it to!!

  2. There are commercial prostitutes in every country in the world who sell sexual pleasure labor to the military for money. It existed in Korea and Japan. However, the fictitious bronze statues that South Korea calls military comfort women provided sexual pleasure to the American and South Korean forces without paying money. They are passing on the wrongdoings of the Allied Americans and South Korea to the Japanese army, and using the prestige of the American army as a weapon, they are launching a battle against Japan.

    The US Allied Forces GHQ, which occupied Japan, spread the lie that "Japan colonized the Korean Peninsula and made Koreans sex slaves," and urged Koreans in Japan to revenge. Koreans in Japan, supported by GHQ, claim to be the victorious Korean troops and have murdered, raped, and robbed tens of thousands of Japanese people. The organization gave birth to the Unification Church of Japan. Prime Minister Abe has settled with the Unification Church to get 100,000 votes. The Unification Church collected huge wealth from Wajin through brainwashing and mind control, and continued to bankrupt the Japanese. The mother of the criminal who sniped Abe sold her house and land and donated more than 100 million yen, and fell into a poor family. The criminal was enrolled in a famous college, but gave up going to school. He tried to assassinate an executive of the Unification Church, but he was very cautious, so he shot Prime Minister Abe, who had been adhering to the church.


    In the Korean War, the US military GHQ packed a Korean girl into a drum as a sex slave, transported it to the battlefield, and imposed its responsibility on the defeated Japanese army.

    The cause is the Confederate States Army GHQ, which occupied and ruled Japan.

    Is there a "US military prostitute"? 122 people sue the Korean government。June 26, 2014 18:19

    From the early 1950s to the 1970s, when the Korean War approached a truce, the Korean version of the sexual slavery system "U.S. military comfort women" existed, and on June 25, 2014, the U.S. 122 women, allegedly military comfort women, have filed a lawsuit against the South Korean government seeking apology and compensation.

    Education of prostitution against U.S. military personnel as "patriotism"

    According to reports from major Korean newspapers and JoongAng Ilbo, a coalition of women's groups such as South Korea's "Kijichon Women's Human Rights Solidarity" held a press conference in Seoul and the U.S. military in "Kijichon" against the Korean government. He complained that he had to apologize and compensate the victims of the comfort women system. According to women's associations, the government wanted to make women sex slaves to improve relations with the United States. Such women also had teenage daughters who were taken to "Kijichon" by trafficking and abduction and forced to deal with US military personnel by violence. They asked the police for help, but they weren't dealt with, they were just used to earn foreign currency, and they were even educated that prostitution to US military personnel was "patriotism." It is seeking an apology from the government and compensation of 1 million yen per person in Japanese yen.

    The Allied Forces of the United States manages smuggled Koreans, who are said to be 400,000 to more than 1 million from South Korea, under the control of GHQ, and the Japanese army joins the murderous rape unit "Victory Korea Advance Force" to destroy Japan. I gave him a confiscated weapon. Thousands of victorious Korean troops stole the first-class land in front of the station, which was the site of the war burns nationwide, and operated the black market. The victorious country Korean expeditionary force pushed into the burnt-out private house, pointed the muzzle in front of the Japanese family, took down the pants of a girl or a housewife in units of a dozen people, spread both legs of the girl with several people, committed a crime of rape pleasure and killed .. As a souvenir, he robbed civilians of their property and food, sold it in the black market, and gained a huge fortune. I am afraid that a similar situation is occurring in Ukraine. With these assets, he gained huge wealth in pachinko and real estate, and jumped into the political and business world. Since that time, the majority of Japanese parliamentarians have been involved in the administration for their home countries, with smuggled Korean-origin parliamentarians. The US military devised a scenario for the destruction of Japan and enacted a constitution. Thanks to this constitution, smuggling crime Koreans formed the rulership of Japan and built a country where waste Koreans can live gracefully with the human rights of the constitution. In Japan, naturalized Koreans are parasitizing Japan along with the orders of their home countries. Already, there were three Korean prime ministers in Japan. Each time, it became popular as the Japanese Prime Minister of the alien Kuru Kurupa. This force has deceived and maintained the Japanese enslavement constitution imposed by the United States with the fiction of peace. Japanese from now on! what will you do?

  3. Not a spaghetti. Nice.
    But… I seem to pick up certain parts that resemble spaghetti.
    The busted hands and removing the trigger guard.
    I hope it doesn't go to the graveyard for the final sceen


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