The Sequel to Escape from Tarkov – Russia2028 // Battlestate Games Future Plans

I thought it would be fitting that the video to put this channel over the one hundred thousand subscriber mark would be on the future of the channel which is eventually going to be the game that comes after Escape from Tarkov, Russia 2028… or at least we hope so.
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Although I do sometimes get a hand from BSG and occasionally get to talk to Nikita or other members of the team, I do not work for BSG. I also work entirely off public information and past experiences of working in game dev myself, as well as following this game closely for several years. Unless I state very clearly otherwise, the information you’re about to hear should be taken as speculation. You can either get no information or speculation, that’s all we have to go off of these days unfortunately which is why it’s easier to just say Thursday whenever anyone asks for dates. If you want hard facts and dates you won’t get them, period.


48 thoughts on “The Sequel to Escape from Tarkov – Russia2028 // Battlestate Games Future Plans”

  1. it will be beautiful hell of a journey for me started contract wars in 2012 and saw easter eggs for 2028 and now just few more years for new surprise , comment below if you've also played contract wars map (evac)

  2. Take Tarkov gameplay (minus the PvP), mash it with Ghost Recon Wildlands (mainly the map size and CO-OP). It would be the only FPS countless of us could ever ask for and potentially need again. Literally 1000s of hours per person.

  3. EfT was not built in Unity because it was supposed to be a "browser game". It was built in Unity because the devs were familiar with the engine following working on "Contract Wars", which is a browser game.

  4. I love Tarkov, but man I suck at pvp. I love the scavanging and looting and the scav bosses but the pvp aspect is my least favourite part. A single player (or even co-op) fps rpg with mechanics similar to Tarkov might end up being my favourite game ever.

  5. If BSG have any smarts to them they keep supporting and adding onto Tarkov to have a revenue stream for the next few years, and by doing so slowly shift towards Russia 2028. If anything Tarkov is a good testing ground and will deliver lots of reusable assets for the later game. Transitioning Tarkov towards Russia 2028 over time by advancing the ingame timeline with events and adding new locations could also work for them as it gives them the possibility to "shadow develop" content for Russia 2028.

  6. Everything I hear and see about R.2028 makes me feel they turned it into a multiplayer game because these days those are more popular. So EfT is basically R.2028 …

    Growing up with Half Life 1 & 2 I must say I kinda miss SP story driven FPS games. MP and SP are both fun but the atmosphere in SP games is often more immersive as no other players "disturb" the setup the level and game architects thought of.

    I would definetly buy and play R.2028.

  7. If I were in charge of the big strategy at Battle State Games I would rename this game to Tarkov 2028 and market it as a single player story driven version of Escape from Tarkov. Keep as many things the same as possible. You have built a great IP. Do everything you can to keep it and expand it and you could become the next big thing in gaming.

  8. I'm happy with them just sticking to tarkov.
    Yea Russia 2028 would be cool but there's just something I love about eft
    I couldn't imagine fighting against scavs and raiders but not having that sentient being challenge I get from other real thinking players.

    Russia 2028 will just be like offline raids with scavs turned on.

  9. WHOOOO 100K!!!!!!!!! I would hate to see a day where Tarkov becomes like Titanfall, especially with the $140 tag on EOD. I imagine it will be a couple more years of Tarkov at least, just based on how much content, including DLC, has yet to come.

  10. As much as the concept of Russia 2028 sounds good I would hate for them to stop working on Tarkov. We all love the game and want it to get as good as it can. Even when the game fully releases, we want it to stay fresh with updates, I really hope they expand the studio to work on the new game rather than kill tarkov and shift everyone to a new project…

  11. First off, Tarkov hasn't even truly public released. It's still Beta. So the time line towards anything else seems a little long.

    I do think however that BSG may have to accept that Tarkov will always be a timer based raid game, as it really does work like that and the public clearly find it appealing. it may well be the idea of an open world immersive no clock type game might have to be something other than Tarkov. Considering how we are headed directly or indirectly into a meta universe thing, it's not unreasonable to imagine that games 10 years from now would be quite different.

  12. good fucking luck. I mean ive seen you're vids. "hey lets drum up some fuckin views by doing what literally everybody was doing that wipe. and guessing what heppens next" lol. good luck dude, watched you're victory day fail like no tomorrow. Bet that one's still on the cannel though lol

  13. EFT is unlike the majority of shooters, and has features most shooters couldn't dream of implementing and that's only the start of its lifespan.

    EFT is a game that could pioneer hardcore shooters in a VERY broad sense, and not treating it with the weight it truly deserves is underestimating its potential and i think even the devs are capable of this.

    view it like world of warcraft in the MMO genre, most are bland and undeserving but one has the potential and unique appeal to go a lot further then the rest.

    I mean iv heard of ppl wanting maps on EFT like Dayz where they can go into the woods and survive off animals and choose if they wanted to go into a city for pvp and have the ability to snipe for 800m out, maps that last 5 hours.

    you can imagine the amount of paths they could go with the game.

    i mean check out the suggestions, they arnt wrong. u could improve forever its just what should you do that nets the best improvements to the game that most appeals to players. Harder to say in a shooter over a MMO.

    As long as crippling servers or excessive hacking don't ruin the game it has a lot of potential to grow and pioneer the hardcore shooter franchise in a broad sense so i think that's the main thing they should focus on.

    Choosing what path to take the game should almost be an after thought to the games security first i.e server stability/hackers. Being a loot based shooter no one wants to lose their hard earned to something they cant combat in any form, easy reason to quit.

    But by no means should the idea of a new game somehow diminish the potential for a game like EFT, it would be absolutely hilarious to see them drop the ball on a game that could pioneer shooters in a HUGE way just to create some random flop instead.

    Right now they've got a great nest egg, but with the right direction and security they could have the golden egg for sure.

    jewbisoft whips out assassins creed 23 and actatard releases cod 45 in space, when all you need is a good realistic shooter with a blind fire mode and the ability to build on it.

    EFT has the workings for greatness .

    Russia 2028 can wait till 2038.


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