The Search for the Elusive Solar Panel Blueprint – Occupy Mars #18

Early Access Game
Occupy Mars is a technical, open-world sandbox, survival game about Mars colonization inspired by the most promising technologies and companies that are working towards the goal of humanity becoming a multi-planet species.
Build and upgrade your base, discover new regions, conduct mining operations, retrieve water, generate oxygen, grow crops, fix broken parts, and learn how to survive on Mars!

► Occupy Mars Playlist ––8

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1 thought on “The Search for the Elusive Solar Panel Blueprint – Occupy Mars #18”

  1. Did you want advise on how to get all your bp's and the necessary circuit boards? It just lets you know about in game mechanics to help search for materials and how blueprints from data pads work.
    FYI, there is a persistent bug that makes the first part of the game a little brutal if you don't know about it. (Circuits and data pads fall into the ground a lot. Not 100% of the time, but enough to make it feel like they are very scarce when they are quite common.) There is a way to check if it is happening and in situation fix.


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