Let's Play Symphony of War Episode 17: Defending Isanter City pt.1

Like it or not we are here for the defence of Isanter City. There are a lot of enemy units present on the field. Good thing is the threat level is not that high. That is a bit bizzare but I get that they wanted to make it a bit more fair and a bit more as a quick skirmish. Maybe the enemy underestimated our strength? Well good for us then!
In other news Devoa developed a little something for a certain someone! Ahh young love! So timid, so cute. But more on that later I guess.
Find out more in the next episode!

0:00 Start and Abigayle relationship beginning
4:51 Mission deployment
6:00 Battle phase start!
28:21 Bazaar
29:20 Back to battle
50:30 Quick save and episode split


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