"The search for humanity: with Mojtaba, Khadija and Ali's brother on a lake boat trip"

In a nomadic realm, a beginning beyond everyday life and family intimacy has taken place. Ali, Khadijah’s husband, has disappeared, and this incident is the reason for Mojtaba and Khadijah to start a searching and adventurous journey. A small boat accompanies them on a journey to a world of peace and trying to find Ali.

With each area where the calm and refreshing lake begins, Mojtaba and Khadijah look for clues and clues to find Ali. But their journey turns into a sequence of memories and deep inner experiences rather than searching for the embodiment of reality.

In the embrace of the waters of the lake, a feeling of intimacy and connection with nature wraps; A feeling that brings Mojtaba and Khadija closer to each other and to their memories with Ali. At the same time, their companionship and mutual support make this journey a spiritual and deep experience.

Their journey is not only in search of reason, but also in search of beauty and inner meaning; A journey that leads them to new connections, a deeper understanding of each other, and a greater understanding of life and its meaning.

#Adventure #LakeJourney #LoveAndFriendship #SearchForAli #BoatQuest #FamilyBond #InnerJourney #NatureConnection #AliMissing #EmotionalExploration #SpiritualExperience #MemoriesInWaters #TribeAdventure #LostHusband #DeepConnection #SoulfulJourney #MeaningfulExperience #FindingAli #WaterReflections #InnerPeace #FamilyUnity #AliWhereAreYou #EmotionalBond #LakeDiscovery #InnerStrength #LostAndFound #HopefulJourney #NatureTherapy #AliSearch #HeartwarmingAdventure


41 thoughts on “"The search for humanity: with Mojtaba, Khadija and Ali's brother on a lake boat trip"”

  1. Это надо же, как ребёнка мотает. На моторке, даже без шапочки. Всего, наверное, продуло. Вот, чума. Везде прётся. А ребёнок такой слабый, может не её или она не в порядке😮😮😮

  2. Сколько можно показывать одно и тоже. Вчера у Берно катались на лодке, сегодня у Лале. Кому интересно смотреть смотреть эти повторы. Мы ждём какие-то изменения в жизни Моджтаби и Рукии, а тут "поиски" Али, да ещё и каждый день. Надоело!

  3. 媽媽很担心阿里,希望上帝保佑早日尋找到阿里老師,祝阿里媽媽和大家都要保重身体,心想事成🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. O eis marido de kadija está por traz de tudo ele mandou os seus capanga pegar Alí pra se vinga eu vi quando ele ameaçou os dois ele queria o u filho de tudo feito faça ele da conta dos bandidos que ele mandou fazer uma barbaridade dessa com u rapaz eu tenho certeza que foi ele se não ele estava procurando também ele está acistndo de perto gente aperta esse cara da conta Du rapaz foi ele que tinha enterse de acaba com o rapaz era ele 😮😢❤

  5. This This very cruel for what they have done to this promising family Ali we love you where a you handsome teacher my heart brakes Kadijah hold fast For with God al ll things are possible Human Heart is very wicked wicked who can understand what is the sense of what's they have done? Ali we can't even talk thinkw well ALI! SURVIVE SORRY SORRY ALI! OH !Ali lìve 😢!

  6. Salam dri malaysia..mojtaba..kenapa tidak cerita apa yang berlaku pada keluarga ali..kasihan mok dia adek beradiknya… Aku rasa itu suruhan matang suami khatija..dia seorang yang licik dan jahat..beberapa hari lalu berlaku pertekaran ali dgan bekas suami khatija..moster orang atasan bagi lawat anak dua kali seminggu..tetapi dia kacau tiap2 hari..selau datang buat hal selalu tangan pukul khatija sama ali..hari tu dia kata nk balas dendam..sbb ali musnah hidupnya..selepas ini pekara ini pum terjadi..hati2 dgan matang suami khatija burhan dan mujtaba..ada apa2 tolong khatija ..jangan biarkan matang suami khatija datang buat hal sama khatija..kasihan khatija..keluarkan khatija dri situ utuk sumantara dijanggu moster tg jahat dan licik..

  7. Мне уже не интиресно я там мусульмане женщины с мужиками Наедине не бывает ана пастаяна чужими мужиками


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