The Russian Momentum is back

Colonel Markus Reisner analyzes and explains the strategic, operational and tactical approach of the Russian armed forces during their second winter offensive and at the beginning of the upcoming Russian summer offensive. What are the current Ukrainian defensive measures and what challenges are the Ukrainian armed forces currently facing?


34 thoughts on “The Russian Momentum is back”

  1. They need more infantry? But greenguy told us, they have only 30k losses. We have advanced telescope in universe, but we do not see, that black hole for money called ukraine

  2. Russia devotes much more than only 7% of its GDP on the defense industry. It’s actually closer to 40% due to massive ramp up over past 2 years. Defense spending accounts for approximately 20% in the US. Who fed you that 7% “fact”

    Second, Russia’s oil exports have been cut 12-14% due to destroyed oil and gas produced facilities.

    Third, the war of attention is essentially a draw. The Ukrainians are enjoying a 3 to 1 advantage in both casualties to both men and equipments. So while Russia has greater resources, they are simply keeping up with their much greater losses to men and equipment,

    Although it has stretched its half million men across the entire 1000 km border they are unable to achieve a breakthrough due to meat grinder plodding tactics.

  3. One source says Ukraine has already lost most of its regular military and is mostly running on reserves. Not only that but much if its reserves have also been depleted so they are on their reserves of the reserves.

  4. я и не знал что артиллерия бьёт аж на 20 километров. Я именно столько каждый день еду на машине на работу а оказывается мог бы просто разнести её из артиллерии.

  5. Russia is fighting an enemy with easy access to outside supply lines. Had Russia neutralized Uke airports, railroads, and warhouse depots, this war would've been over in a few months.
    I can't be more descriptive because

  6. Russia is unable to mount any kind of significant breakthrough with it lines spanning 1,000 km. Same thing happened with Ukraine’s attempted “counter offensive” last year.

    The attacking force typically loses three times the amount of men and materiel as those on defense. And the lose of men and material for Russia has been staggering.

    Drones change so much. As soon as you mass forces for an attempted break through, they are spotted.

    New drone technology has allowed Ukraine to destroy 1/3 of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and drive it out of Sevastopol — even though it doesn’t have a single ship.

  7. Great video but it doesn’t change the fact that Ukraine will lose. This war is costing everyone in the west to much money with no future return there will be one last push until “we did all we can” because the nuclear elephant in the room. War is a numbers game like it always is. More of the story is have more sex and children.

  8. Russia not just trying to put fear in the west, they’re just reminding the west that they’ll defend themselves, as the west keeps escalating, like a psychotic teenage girl that’s not getting their way, Russia has been very calm and leveled, it’s our leaders that’s been unhinged

  9. Very good military analyst, but poor insight into propaganda from corrupt actor Zelensky in one of his numerous Hollywood clips. I guess troop numbers do not count as Ukrainian men are depleted, and no one in Europe seems to care. This is a sad state of affairs. I hope it was worth it for you Europeans to try and get an Ukraine into NATO. Not going to happen, and all this death and destruction was for NOTHING.

  10. Russia not just trying to put fear in the west, they’re just reminding the west that they’ll defend themselves, as the west keeps escalating, like a psychotic teenage girl that’s not getting their way, Russia has been very calm and leveled, it’s our leaders that’s been unhinged.

  11. Грустно, что за 2 года я много узнал о том как ведуться войны, но очень мало узнал о том, как люди могут договариваться… Наука очень убедительно показывает что человеческий ум может решать самые сложные задачи… Например, траекторию Земли вокруг Солнца мы воспринимаем как само собой разумеющееся. Но когда-то, узнать траекторию было фантастической, нереальной задачей…
    желаю нам всем сил и добра
    google translate: It's sad that in 2 years I learned a lot about how wars are fought, but I learned very little about how people can negotiate… Science very convincingly shows that the human mind can solve the most complex problems… For example, information about the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun we perceive as obvious. But once upon a time, finding out the trajectory was a fantastic, unrealistic task…
    I wish us all strength and goodness

  12. The West is fighting a wrong war! An unjust war and for such. Yes! For such will be punished by Almighty God and by the Karma they have put into action! Such a bunch of idiots! No one thinking it maturely!

  13. The West is fighting a wrong war! An unjust war and fir such. Yes! For such will be punished by Almighty God and by the Karma they have put into action! Such a bunch of idiots! No one thinking it maturely!

  14. Про Громозеку забыл сказать )))
    Я из России, и у меня складывается впечатление что война искусственно затягивается с обеих сторон. На Украине много мостов, они целые. По политическому руководству не разу не был нанесён удар. ( штаб квартиры офисы и тд). Буть моя воля , тяо бы полетело еще в прошлом году. Возможно бы всё давно закончилось и не погибло столько людей.
    Про мобилизации на Украине. Есть ньюанс. Все идейные уже ушли их осталось не много.

  15. 9:36 Hungary isn't playing along. Orbán indirectly supports Putin in a hope to restore the Great Magyarország at the expense of his neighbors, esp. Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Serbia. He probably won't dare touching Austria.

  16. Elenzky, the comedian in the video clip is begging the West for weapons, but also complained about the restrictions on the types of weapons Ukraine can use, funny!
    I never seen Putin begged for any kind of weapon supply to anyone.
    The comedian elenzky should STOP the fight; surrender now or extinct.
    Ooppzz he is actually illegitimate president now, he is not an elected president anymore yet the West is still claiming Ukraine is democracy Lol 😆


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