What they Captured in a Desert Shocked the Whole World

As we all know, deserts are characterized by their lack of rainfall. They have dry soil, little to no surface water, and rapid evaporation. They are so parched that rain evaporates before it reaches the ground. And if it does, they often receive fewer than ten inches of rain per year. Sure, our planet looks like a watery blue marble from space, but one-third of Earth’s land surface is partially or totally desert. But that, in no way, means there isn’t cool stuff there. Don’t believe us? Check it out! 15 Most Shocking Things Captured In The Desert!

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33 thoughts on “What they Captured in a Desert Shocked the Whole World”

  1. Like how there is a battle 2 people saying first, obviously you just want to say your first but one person was actually first and was most likely someone who liked the video didn’t comment

  2. Yooo Fam, I make a variety of short entertaining videos, and a variety of other content on YouTube as well, I'm still working on versatility, and quality but I guarantee you will find something you will enjoy, INDEED!⚡⚡

  3. Some pretty old stuff here but some new stuff too. A train in the desert "shocks the World" I don't think so. Need to tone down the sensationalism or get more reasonably factual.

  4. The reason it’s called a Jumping Cholla is when you step on the root system of the plant it actually leanest toward you with the seed pods. The needles are barbed so they stick in and they are very alkaline in nature so the burn and poison you the longer they stay in the sicker they make you. The wild donkeys can eat the Cholla with no Ill effects.

  5. Your promotion of a mythological god is wrong. They were myths created around the crosses between women and fallen angels, and are unholy and very evil. Due to their abilities, huge sizes, and their many fearful evil acts towards humans, they were often worshipped.
    There is actually a rise of their worship in today's increasingly Godless populations. They were/are righteously damned forever, into the eternal flames of torment, along with their worshippers.
    They can not be considered funny or harmless. Promoting them through humor isn't funny, but can ultimately feed into the worshipping of them. Humor is used as a first affront, to accustom people to accepting the unacceptable.
    The Holy God of Israel is God. He is supreme over all. Praise Jesus!

  6. The Soul powers the heart.Meet God on His terms. "Ask Jesus/Yeshua to Forgive your sins, and come into  your life from your  heart while U still have breath!" Reject Hell! John 14:6-7 Revelation 1:18, reads, "I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I AM ALIVE! for evermore Amen; and have the Keys of hell and of death". Is He your Savior or your Judge?

  7. Lower right jaw from all the Boot to The face..
    Faceoff well Mead was on that Lush Meadow once only a while before like 2012 Dec

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    Sweet Gum Flavouring for Local Giant stuffing.

  8. Those cacti made me itch. Ouch!// The station where the movie "The Hills Have Eyes" was filmed is super creepy.// Don't think the car fort is on my bucket list.// STOP DIGGING UP DEAD PEOPLE! That's sacred, personal, and morally wrong.

  9. We are Saved by Grace Through FAITH NOT WORKS. Salvation is a free gift from GOD given to those all who will believe LORD JESUS CHRIST DIED AS A SALVATION LAMB for our sins by the BLOOD OF LORD JESUS CHRIST HIS BLOOD CLEANSES Our SINS !!!

  10. It makes no difference. Neither of them were first even if they were the first to see it published. They still weren't first. You can fight over second 🥈 and 🥉. First belongs to the creator. Grow up


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