The reason Joe Rogan Hates Video Games | JRE Shorts | #8

Joe Rogan’s disdain for video games comes from his belief that they can be a major distraction from more meaningful activities, taking away valuable time and energy. He often cites the example of people getting so addicted to gaming that it becomes an obsession, leading them to neglect important tasks in life like work, family and education. Additionally, he believes that some popular video games contain violent themes and gratuitous images which promote aggression and desensitize children at a young age. Consequently, he holds the opinion that too much gaming is unhealthy and encourages individuals to lead less productive lives.


2 thoughts on “The reason Joe Rogan Hates Video Games | JRE Shorts | #8”

  1. The devs didn’t make it so you could attack those women. The devs made it so you can attack EVERYONE. You have free will you can be good or bad.


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