WBG Xbox Podcast EP 214: Phil Spencer is Not Perfect But He Did Save the Xbox Brand

#PhilSpencer #Xbox #Xboxpodcast

Timestamps Below

0:00 Intro

9:35 Playstation fanboys calls Rise of Ronin Metacritic scores BS

30:50 Xbox games flopped on PS5

54:20 Matt Booty acknowledges multiplatform strategy has stressed the brand but not damaging it

1:08:20 POS of the Week(VGC, Lisa Alice, Kim Jung)

1:17:20 Phil Spencer saved Xbox

1:46:48 Do you give a shit gaming news(multiple topics)

2:17:40 Outro

2:18:40 Heated Phil Spencer vs Don Mattrick debate

2:43:40 Ending

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Topics I covered on Dirt Griggityโ€™s channel:
Xbox Xbox Series X Xbox Series S Playstation 5 PS5 Xbox Gamepass Phil Spencer, ABK, Xbox Gamepass, Xbox exclusives, Hellblade 2 Fable, Blade Xbox, Xbox exclusives to PS5, Blade, COD Call of Duty, Playstation fanboys Sony fanboys, Activision Blizzard, Starfield, GTA 6 delayed, Xbox buys Activision, GTA 6, GTA 6 on PS5 Pro, Phil Spencer killed, Xbox, Starfield on PS5, PS5 Pro, Xbox 3rd party


37 thoughts on “WBG Xbox Podcast EP 214: Phil Spencer is Not Perfect But He Did Save the Xbox Brand”

  1. So Sony Fanboys make the rules and now they don't like the way the game is being played because of the rules that they made like my father say it's all fun and games until the rabbit gets the gun

  2. definitely disagree with Kendrick Star. Starfield and Halo Infinite are excellent games, let me explain. [slight/vague Starfield spoilers] I'm still finding pivotal new story content in Starfield after multiple NG+ playthroughs (I have 19 NG+ playthroughs and 2 characters). Also if you are in New Game Plus and replay the main story, you can make a unique choice that significantly changes the story. It was mindblowing to me. None of these other games out here gives me what Starfield gives me and for that reason Starfield is my personal game of the generation.

    Regarding Halo, before season 2 of Halo Infinite, I had over 10 days of play time already. It was missing some content and had some flaws but I knew that 343i was preparing for bigger things with Forge which is way better than previous Forge modes. Now we see the fruits of that labor with a ton of Forge maps in the public playlists and we see why they needed that time. Infinite is a much larger experience than previous Halo games right now

  3. I genuinely liked the discussion at the end. Even tho Im a Bot and like my echo chamber Kendrick Starr was being fair in criticism. These Ponies/Ponybots just being assholes.

    Phil Spencer alone was CEO as long as Jack Tretton, Shawn Layden, Jim Ryan and Totoki combined. You wonโ€™t stay that long as an executive by being โ€œsoftโ€.

  4. Guys like Starr are talking about holding Phil accountable for the here & now, which I get. We all know the buck stops with the leader at the top whether itโ€™s the leaderโ€™s fault or not. But we also all know, the leader is often not the reason for every shortcoming. We need to look at the context for every so-called โ€œLโ€ under Philโ€™s leadership; in fact we have clear explanations for what happened to Redfall. As far as other games that are โ€œLโ€™sโ€, most are subjective or were impacted by COVID. We canโ€™t forget about that. When you make as wide variety of games as Xbox does, youโ€™re not gonna please everyone. But youโ€™ll have genres to explore and a game for every type of player.

    Overall those critical of Philโ€™s leadership are forgetting that Phil & his team are currently navigating a business environment (consisting of the media, casual consumers, and some development houses) that is hostile, or at least extremely critical & cynical, toward Microsoft and the Xbox brand. A lot of that hostility stems from Xbox losing last generation.. As you know, the Xbox One/PS4 generation was the worst to lose because most people transitioned to digital-only ownership for the first time ever; cementing the PlayStation as the preferred platform for the casuals, โ€œinfluencers,โ€ media, and developers. Couple that with the skyrocketing of social media/virality and โ€œclickbaitโ€ journalism in the last 10 years or so..

    The uphill battle Phil & his team have to navigate with every decision they make is unprecedented. IMO, since Phil took over, I donโ€™t think any first party platform leader has ever had to deal with as many double-standards, as much negative press, & as bad of a residual stigma left over from a previous regime.

  5. Whenever I start to judge Philโ€™s performance I remember that I would probably shit my pants if Satya Nadella asked what I think we should do about anythingโ€ฆ

  6. Metacritc is flawed but I think in general the way we look at a 7/10 game is also flawed. 7/10 is a good game. 8/10 is an excellent game. An 8 and up should be considered an excellent game with a 9 and being a masterpiece.

  7. Saying Phil Spencer is soft after he took two major publishers off the market is ridiculous. Bethesda and ABK games will go where Phil Spencer decides, at whatever time frame he decides and how he decides. How is acquiring the publisher your major competitor depends on โ€œsoftโ€?

    At this point, it is literally impossible for Sony or anyone else to force Xbox out of the industry. They are in a position to exert serious influence over the industry.

    Yes, there are issues Xbox needs to hammer out but this idea that Xbox is in a bad position relative to their competitors is nonsense. Xbox is still the second largest store for third party publishers and developers, which is why the vast majority of games come to Xbox despite their lower console sales relative to PlayStation and Nintendo. Nintendo doesnโ€™t have anywhere near the reach or influence on the industry as Xbox. Check out the charts the CMA produced showing which platforms publishers depend on the most, Nintendo barely existed in those charts.

  8. Hey yo how you doing dirt just wanted to let you know that that guy that was trying to steal my account and texting you that dumb s***got me suspended for a year I got my account back but I'm not allowed to talk to anybody for one year LOL

  9. Also I'm just about to watch your show I watch Marlon first because I wanted to see if you was going to act like a pony why is nobody talking about the Nvidia deal with Microsoft how their next system is just going to blow the doors off PlayStation pro how is going to be a Sony bloodbath I went off on his channel these ponies getting excited for updated PS4 games LOL love you brother take care

  10. I actually agree with Kendrick Star. Iโ€™ve made these same points before.

    Iโ€™ve said it before, Xbox lacks focus. It is unacceptable that XCloud has been around since 2017 and somehow PS Cloud service is superior in almost every aspect including allowing you to play games you purchased outside of PS+.

    The Xbox PC Store and Play Anywhere has been around since 2016, how is the Epic Game Store that launched in 2018 in far better shape than the Xbox PC store. I guarantee you when PlayStation PC store launches, theyโ€™re going to have full developer support and most games will be available there.

    Now theyโ€™re moving on to a mobile game store. Why?

    The only experience that is complete is the Xbox console experience. The rest of the ecosystem theyโ€™re trying to sell us on is fragmented and in serious need of attention and work.

    Thatโ€™s poor project management. Xbox also needs to take a page from Apple and do better with branding and making their brand and ecosystem seem like a premium experience.

  11. It takes 26 core days or 43 regular days to climb mount everest and 2and half minute to fall to sea level. Falling is easy and fast but ascending is a different game. Phil has built Xbox into a power house regardless of console sales.He is CEO of gaming not consoles but gaming as a whole his move and job involves gaming on all devices which directs the moves he makes.

  12. Phil said he doesnt have the luxury of not being profitible as XBOX. I think that is a reference to people like Timdog and some other Youtubers who think they have the best strategy to get XBOX back to greatness. As a consumer you should look at what Phil has given you as an XBOX gamer since he took over and look at the future roadmap. Kendrick and some other people are trying to stack XBOX against Nintendo and Playstation but its not an apples to apples comparison. I think the only fair criticism is having to wait for the games which starts in May with Hellblade 2.

  13. Ponies are full steam ahead, doubling down, they're attacking Xbox constantly saying it's dead, so some Xbox fans are believing them, and also they're constantly attacking Xbox YouTubers, trying to discredit them, so that there's no one to defend Xbox.

  14. You guys let me down big time, you don't really know how to defend Phil vs Don, firstly KINECT was introduced by Mr XBOX PETER MOORE, DONNY D, only released KINECT 2, and KINECT games, NONE of the games that came out afterwards were green lite by DonnyD, so just stop.

  15. I was called "poor" by a PonyBot (the same one who said Mattrick needs to come back), because I use Game Pass. Situation was funny because he admitted to being on government assistance and I just recently surpassed a net worth of $1m.

  16. Yall ported crap games what yall expect sea of thieves is gonna be in the same boat yall got excited over a 2 day pre order ranking tired of this we don't buy narratives yall push we have too buy games we dont get them all for 18 dollars a month yall mfs dont buy games pentiment came to ps5 120 fps its 30 fps on Xbox and its still garbage yall stop moving the goal post we don't buy games if it was true why is ps killing yall in sales what yall say about over 50 million units of the Spider-Man series Spiderman 2 sold 5 million in 10 days & over 10 million on one platform game of the year baldurs gate 3 10 million on 4 platforms we dont buy games yall are giving games on gamepass for the cheap you dont do that if ya fanbase bought games ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚aint nobody changing but Xbox yall platform the only one moving different and the over the shoulder comment you made the Hellblade 2 you think gonna change the game is over the shoulder yall embarrass I understand but y'all just ๐Ÿคก clowning no facts just jokes if y'all bought games they wouldn't be ported to other platforms all yall say is gamepass day 1 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ what's ya games sales numbers aint none just have player counts sony still selling consoles the Xbox console is falling 47% in Europe and all the games are basically free y'all boys sound hurt and its you Xbots keep commenting on the girl in stellar blade its not us doing well on Xbox and PC dont mean nothing because both platforms are on gamepass so its back to that 18 dollars a month for Xbox whole catalog. Our platform is sinking when Xbox is dead last and spent billions on studios and every game they dropped since beginning under Xbox has been labeled the worst COD the worst ever starfield HiFi Rush Bethesda haven't had a hit since Skyrim and you ol heads will probably be dead by time the next one comes out and y'all think phil buying all those studios is more proof of yall going 3rd party with a console and gamepass is capping yall limited to that 18 dollars a month on 2 platforms it's only 4 platforms and yall cut yall in half just to stay relevant no matter how many studios you own you cant make money giving away ya whole library for 18 dollars a month ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚and yall say a pro is pointless whats pointless is a 300 dollar handheld 7" screen to play games on the go great for kids but damn paying that much to game for 15 mins on my lunch break is pointless phil had to to buy those studios because of gamepass nobody want their games potential capped by gamepass so he had to buy the studios with that many studios yall shouldn't be waiting 1yr and a half for a exclusive 40 studios and have had a game since hifi rush i dont count starfield Sony dropped studios to find better ones that not affraid of 4k 60 fps devs are not optimizing games for the system and with the pro on the way sony gonna find devs that get the most out of games so im good with 3rd party exclusive sony cant demand they do 4k 60 fps but they 1st party studios has dropped nothing but 4k 60 fps Spiderman God of war i can wait on 1st party jointz because our 3rd parties are so good but talking about us waiting until next yr when yall been waiting a yr for hellblade 2 and thats being ported to ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ sad the delusion no the pro has a new resolution AI upscaling they patent Xbox aint do that with no 360 along with doubling the Cpu yall Xbox are delusional all i see is Xbox podcast and journalist writing articles for Xbox way more than PlayStation because yall taking Ls yall playing victim everybody hates Xbox bullshit sony is owned by Chinese with all the woke hating & flat out racist yall have on y'all platform you gonna tell me that yall the villians out here they hide all yall bull sh– like when sony layed off 900 and it was everywhere and Xbox fired 1900 form they physical department not one peep y'all are bitter lame ass bots making jokes with no facts but whatever to keep ya channel alive because you cant actually talk about Xbox games or hardware just future stuff ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  17. Maybe thatโ€™s why PlayStation game sales suck. Their users will only buy high metacritic scored games. They better get used to buying lower scored games since they donโ€™t have nothing coming for a year.

  18. Sea of Thieves is going to sell great on Playstation. I'm a huge Sea of Thieves fan and I always read comments in Sea of thieves videos and forums of ps gamers asking for the game. On every single video, tons and tons of people asking for it. It's a unique and fantastic game that will grow on PS with Word of mouth

  19. Booty's quote wasn't that they were going to spend Sony out of business. His quote was that general sentiment in the industry is that Microsoft COULD spend Sony out of business, and its about time that Xbox starts acting that way. Essentially, Xbox has been acting way too weak for the financial backing they have so its about time they start actually trying to fight Sony rather than continuing operate on a shoe string budget.


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