The Real Ones

Who Spoke up?
​@Legal Mindset @YellowFlash 2 @ThatUmbrellaGuy @TheQuartering @That Star Wars Girl @Migtown Podcast (Drex) @Robert Barnes @Good Lawgic @Potentially Criminal @Ken’s Counseling Couch @Faran Balanced @Uncivil Law @Robert Gouveia Esq. @1/4 Black Garrett @StevenCrowder @Viva Frei @Nate The Lawyer @Ron Coleman @Megan Fox @Chrissie Mayr @Timcast IRL @Timcast (Tim Pool) @Ryan Kinel – RK Outpost @The Crigler Show @Popcorned Planet @Jack Posobiec @CAMELOT331 @Radix Verum@Styxhexenhammer666 @Koolfrogg @Meme Copium @AttorneyTom@Aussie Overlaw’d @Legal Vices @Nina Infinity @Alison Morrow @Jon Del Arroz @Ridgedale Brand @Sitch & Adam Show @Emily D. Baker @Law & Lumber @Runkle Of The Bailey@The Dragons Treasure @Nicholas DeOrio@Eric Hunley


22 thoughts on “The Real Ones”

  1. Alita wasn’t worried about being yeeted (hurr hurr) because of her milquetoast commentary but because of being associated with Nick (as she rode his coattails to relative relevance)

    Edit: is it really spelled “Alyte”? Even cringier

  2. 17:18 Alleged ? Hoeg didn’t even do any research and wanted to add an Alleged. Yes, Nick did know that details about the other two strikes and shared that with his audience on multiple livestreams. Like Megan Fox said If you don’t know all the facts then don’t share your opinion. Geez

  3. Good Morning Everyone 💞
    Canadian here putting in my two cents. I have been watching you all covering JD case against AH. I have absolutely nothing but respect for for you !! I'm very thankful that you are all able to do what you do? as you each of you do it the best in your own unique ways as each of you specialize in different laws or fields of law, so I love getting each of your takes on issues from every side and angle to look at and understand better. With the exception of legal bytes. Back when the DUI guy drama went down for absolutely nothing was appalling to me personally. To me legal bytes has taken the route of acting as judge & jury when there was or is nothing to act upon. When that started is when she lost me and my respect. Because Larry had laughed out in court along side Everyone else in that court room he had to made an example of ???
    Example of what ?? Why ??
    He did nothing wrong or inappropriately !! For her to have done what she did to me was just mind blowing, and now for to share her opinions of Nick's situation just two face to me. Those two wouldn't be where they are without him getting thier start up. From I've seen. It doesn't matter what the content or reason was for nick to have been banned, yes he's different, yes he's abrasive for many in some topics as we all can be, but that is the magic that makes him, him!! Each of you have your own take, your own flare or style that makes you, you and why people watch you over others. But as colleagues in your fields you all need to ban together more so than other group/s out there. You all are the bloody law and utube knows this, they know you all know the law better than them !!! They know that you all inform us of our rights with our laws !!!
    So for legal bytes to shame any one of you on her channel and act and portray as judge & jury to her audience is appalling because her audience isn't getting the truth, the whole truth of the law only her version to how she interpretates it when all others see it as it is.
    Watching from the sidelines here as we all are, I've been extremely proud of you all for banning together on this matter because in reality what happened to Nick can and will happen to you all and to everyone. We all are not just losing our rights here in everyway possible way but we are losing being able to be human beings that we are !!!
    People need to wake up to reality and start seeing thru thier damn blinders, start opening your minds for yourself. If we can't stand united in these situations how the hell are going to when the shit hit the fans ???

  4. the fact that Nick's channel resurrected a few days later makes this so much more delightful. This chick was tripping on her tongue thinking of all the subs she thought she was gonna pull. Legalbitesthedust

  5. Kurt is indeed certifiably Unbreaded. Got to quickly chat with him at Anime Matsuri, he’s definitely the same irl as he is on stream. We call that being real.

  6. Those two fucks, and everyone knows who I'm talking about, probably had their tiny self-indulgent fingers in this Witch Hunt from the beginning. Body language in mannerisms are very telling. I bet they both suck at poker as well.

  7. I think the root of their issues is simply that they are jealous and desire so much his level of success.

    One thing that makes Nick so successful is that he helps others climb the ladder whereas it seems that these two are like Alfrid Lickspittle’s character in Hobbit: Desolations of Smaug knocking people off the ladder so that they can get their fill of spoils first.

    Just my two cents.

  8. The glee that LB and Hoeg show here about Rekieta's downfall is disturbing. You have to really hate someone to take this much pleasure in their misfortune. You could watch that clip with the sound off and see the difference in Uncivil's somber demeanor and their constant laughter and grins.


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