THE QUEST-O-NOMICON IS HERE! (hanging out and flipping through the PDF)

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41 thoughts on “THE QUEST-O-NOMICON IS HERE! (hanging out and flipping through the PDF)”

  1. All of this hype for the book, and the show is stolen by Spencer's new mini.

    They finally introduced the baby-e-g.

    Congratulations are in order for two very big things in your lives! Good job, you two!

  2. Loving what I’ve seen so far!
    Congrats on your your new family member🎉

    10 candles sounds really interesting, do you guys plan on playing it on stream anytime soon?

  3. Hello! I bought the book as soon as I saw this video. I was wondering, though, are you going to release the map assets and perhaps the character art? This was asked on stream, but the answer wasn't clear. I've also asked in your Discord but gotten no response. Also, congratulations on the book and the baby! Both really big, life changing things. 🙂

  4. Jacob I was looking over the sunder dome characters and I noticed a few of the NPC's have the wrong tactics and possibly quotes? specifically Vel and Yor who say "nevari and Thilgal" respectfully. I dont know if you can do anything about it at this point but I think it was missed. You might have been told already by someone else

  5. Okay so I’m thinking running EfOR for my players but I believe Them are too unfair. I don’t think there’s any way a level 1 party can beat three of these from the tunnel at level 1. And in the Fields, a DC 18 DEX or STR save to not get taken compared to the sentient roots that only need a DC 12 to succeed. I don’t know how that’s fair

  6. Question: Is it posible that it will translate to another languaje in some near future?(like, i don't know , Spanish?) And if so, is there a way to send it to Argentina?
    I mean, not that i'm a new DM who recently found your channel, needs adventures that my players will understand, and is heavily considering forcem to learn english and quick-travel to get the phisical version of the book anyway, not at all…


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