The Problem With The Flash Family – Explained

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In this video, we’re going to talk about the problems with the Flash family of technologies. We’ll cover the different problems with Flash, how they manifest, and some solutions.

If you’re using Flash in your website or application, be sure to watch this video! It will help you understand the problems with Flash and find solutions that will keep you safe.


41 thoughts on “The Problem With The Flash Family – Explained”

  1. Clarifications On Mistakes.
    I make these videos using personal knowledge and personal opinions. I generally have notes and reread a few quick things before hand. But to keep them truly organic sometimes I make mistakes and need to own up to them.

    Geoff Johns did not invent the Speed Force. I know this, I've read Waids run. But what I did mean is Geoff Johns created the Speed Force as we know it. Most of the things that carried over into the show and how its handled today came out of Geoff Johns run as he wanted to expand upon this big mystery Mark Waid started.

    Max, Jessie and Johnny outside of Max's relationship to Bart, I dont know well. I've never found them too interesting which is why when I was trying to naem them in a hurry I basically skipped Johnny Quick lol. But thats why I left them alone for most of the video and didnt really go into much of them.

    Sorry for any confusion I caused!

  2. What's strange about "red hair" Wally West used to be the younger- hipper Flash. Now he's a boring married man with children.

    Hopefully, DC will put their focus back on Barry. He's in the movies and TV series.

  3. DC's biggest issue with their characters is they keep trying to reboot and forget old characters and when that fails they have to bring up the originals but keep the newer ones since they built up a fandom by that point. That's why the Young Justice crew have essentially been replaced by other characters.

  4. An idea I had was to evolve the Speed Force where the different Flashes get a different expression of it that it doesn't always manifest as lighting which causes them to use it differently for an example Wallace speed force energy manifests as wind, fire or some other element instead of lighting. Also they should solidify where each character belongs like Jay with The Justice Society, Barry with the Justice League, Wally with the Titans, Bart with Young Justice and Wallace with Teen Titans.

  5. The Flash Family needs to take a cue from Batman Inc.

    When Batman wanted a "Batman" all over the world.

    Send Wallace & Avery to Asia & Africa at some point (cliche but if you dig into character development about how their race plays out with the relationship and speed then you have a good story) send the other Flash Family elsewhere like another coast, Mexico, central America, South America etc.

    Spread them out to their own books in the same timeline, for extraneous events they can actually stop quickly to help and leave.

    And that goes for all of them, if needed a major calamity from each book requires each Flash to show up but a excuse if they don't, like the family man covers the solo guy, the team guy is away with JL and you have one with the Titans.

    Like genuinely have them doing their own things but make it so they interact like a family, meet every 3rd Sunday or something.

    Something like that

  6. Agreed that the New 52 is the cause of all this. Rebirth was great and was meant to try and fix it, but it stalled out and went no where. It feels this new "Reboot" is just more of the same. They started the New 52 because they felt things had become to hard to follow and wanted a fresh start, but they failed to commit. They then wanted to try and fix it by just tossing everything into the Pot with Rebirth, but didnt take the time to plan it out properly. Now everything is just Bloated and it looks like this new Event is just making it worse.

  7. In my opinion, just make them have different Genres.

    Personally, I just wish there's at least 2 or 3 ongoing Series for Flash.

    – Wally West: Adventure, Family Genre

    – Barry Allen: Mystery, Sci-Fi Genre

    – <insert Wallace, Bart, Avery> Slice of Life, Comedy

    Also, just have Max Mercury and Jay Garrick be dead, but there's stories that takes place in the past with them. DC already solidified Jay as a WW2 Soldier, and Max Mercury is from the 19th Century, he should be dead centuries ago.

    Just make the Characters that truly matter, (Avery, Barry, Bart, Wallace, Wally, Jesse if you must).

    P.S. Comicstorian forgot to mention that Jeremy Adams introduced Linda to have SuperSpeed and Pregnant. So 2 New Speedsters, alongside Irey and Jai getting formal costumes and hyping them up as New Official Members.

  8. The New 52 run was good. It was better than Rebirth. This is in regards of the entire DC. The only character they did good in Rebirth is the Flash (Barry Allen), because he was well written. The only downfall was having two Kid Flashes. That part was stupid.

  9. As someone who knows everything* about Wally West prior to his disappearance (New 52), reappearance in Convergence, and then re-reappearance: he's the best comic book character that I've ever seen. The most complete character. His series starts off with him making sure everyone knows he's not the other Flash (Barry's identity was still secret), he has his 21st birthday, runs through crappy relationships, has parents who are jerks, wins the lottery (twice I think), then meets Linda and they start to grow the character into a really likable person. Then Wally is flung into the future, John Fox comes, then Dark Flash (Walter West) then Linda is "killed", all while his powers go in and out throughout the years… But, Someone said Wally West was the DC Peter Parker: a superhero dealing with every day life situation (except for the lottery thing). 👍🏻

  10. Pretty sure if DC had a time authority , they would be the most overworked dept with all these speedsters around & can't blame em if they decide to turn evil😅
    Imagine waking up on a holiday hoping it's a good day just to find the timeline changed again and u have to go to work to fix it.

  11. Honestly this is how I would have had the Flash family be being doing for their own thing.

    For Wally, I would have him be the main flash of central and keystone city, he deals with his wife and kids, training Wallace, Irey, Jai, and sometimes Bart, and be the flash for the titans. For Barry, I would have him be the flash of justice league, finally having him and Iris to be married and have kids, and would be the flash of central city if Wally is too busy. For Jay, I would solely have him with the JSA.

    For Wallace, I would have him as Kid Flash, being the main sidekick of Wally, and being part of titans west. For Bart, I would have him as Impulse, mostly being trained by Max Mercury, and being part of teen titans. For Avery, I would solely have her be the flash of china, being part of justice league of china, and would work alongside Barry and Wallace.

    Irey and Jai, who are now called Thunderheart and Surge, would mostly be a part of young justice working alongside Damian and Jon. Jesse Quick would work with the JSA, and Max would mostly be doing his own thing.

  12. I think that redundant powers is the problem with most of the "families". Flash =speedsters, Batman= street level/ fighting prowess/tactical thinking, Superman=speed/flight/strength/etc, Arrow=arrows… They are almost all carbon copies of the progenitor character. Even Wonder Woman. The League, Titans, Teen Titans, even they are similar in available power sets for the most part. But at least they as a group aren't simply copies of each other.

  13. This is my rule when it comes to comics Benny and it works since 4 yrs
    Read/watch the comics and have fun. Sometings not your speed don't dog it some one els is a Hugh fan no politics noting… just bomb story n a Fat Joint.

  14. Tbh bart Allen was my favourite thanks to young justice show and especially the comics then when he was kid flash it was awesome,his flash run was alright but yeh I like him and wally probably the most although I feel like jay,Barry and max where cool but they all had roles and moved forward with new people replacing each other

  15. Not trying to troll but Barry came back in Flash Rebirth, 2 years before the new 52! Him trying to save his mom created flashpoint which created the new 52. I did hate how at the end of flashpoint Barry remembers the old universe and the new 52 universes till the new and he didn’t remember anymore. The rebirth he still doesn’t remember but the remembered Wally because comics! And Mark Waid created the Speed Force in the 90’s while Wally was the Flash! Great video though

  16. just a small correction about dragon ball Goku in super is in his 60's or 70's but physically he around his 40's-50's thanks to his saiyan biology as they age slower. All the even in super append in around a 10 years gap. So yes the story does progress with time and have multiple timeskips


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