The Power of C-Peptide: Unlocking Answers for Your Patients with Dr. Bryan Walsh

Are you looking for answers to your patient’s health issues? In this video, Dr. Bryan Walsh digs into C-Peptide and how it can help you get the answers you need.

C-Peptide is a reliable indicator of insulin activity and has the potential to predict cardiovascular and overall death in non-diabetic adults better than other markers.

Find out more about C-peptide and why you might want to run it instead of Insulin in this insightful video with Functional Medicine expert, Dr. Bryan Walsh.

This video is from Clinician’s Code, a full-scale learning experience for health professionals looking to better help their patients and build a thriving, evidence-based functional medicine practice. You can learn more here –

If you enjoyed this video, check out the free One Day Functional Medicine Course here –

Dr. Walsh has been studying human physiology and nutrition for over 25 years and has been educating others in health for 20 of those years. When he isn’t teaching, he spends his time pouring over the latest research and synthesizing his findings into practical information for clinicians to use in practice. Dr. Walsh is best known for his expertise in biochemistry and human physiology, which allows him to (happily) dismantle the myths and misconceptions in the functional medicine industry and replace them with the truth. His work is most often described as, “the functional medicine education you always wanted, but never received”.


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