Ships, Trains, Trams, Trucks in a Complex Hub – Cities: Skylines – Asturis 33

Building a cargo and ferry port which also has tram and train stations together with a big logistics center with a highway interchange.

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Asturis ep. 33


28 thoughts on “Ships, Trains, Trams, Trucks in a Complex Hub – Cities: Skylines – Asturis 33”

  1. I completely agree that parking lots are awful in real life, but amazingly fun ingame. Same with highways etc.
    The brutalist architectural style is the same. I don't agree with it's philosophy; it's domineering, authoritharian and oppressive – which makes for incredibly impressive and striking designs ingame. Like Asturias Brutalist district!

  2. These Videos are always so great to just chill out a bit. Theres something about building in Cities Skylines that is just really relaxing to watch.
    Also one idea for the Lore behind the Space Elevator/Beacon:
    Maybe the "Boat" Part of the space elevator is just the base (without the cable esk thingy) so that part can move and is maybe moved there from where it was build (maybe there is a company behind the space elevator that sells them to rich cities around the world) so it needs the beacon to align with things like the flying train but also maybe the "cable" is dropped down from above (like in satisfactory) and it needs to be very precisly located so it actually goes in or through the base. Maybe it continues through the base of it and docks to a foundation at the bottom of the sea.

  3. Cruise ships are surprisingly manuverable. They can actually strafe (slowly, because there's a lot of water on the way), turn on the spot, and obviously go forward and back, so combining inputs lets them move pretty much however they need to. Cargo ships.. well, they're a lot heavier, and generally there's more to a spot, so they don't tend to rely on that as much. The big one you placed may be an exception to that.
    Loved the build this time around – ports and industrial areas are so cool to me. The models chosen are amazing, too. Can't wait for more. Your interchange is very interestingly designed as well, I do quite like it.

  4. With how important rail infastructure are in the city it would be surprising if it didn't have some form of large industrial center just for rail, but you could go a step further and do a rail museum like National Railway Museum in York, UK or the Railway Museum in Saitama in Japan. It would be a large unique build and could help define another terminus section of Asturis. If you have a University planned too if could fit in as an Engineering branch.

  5. there is no way a space elevator could ever be moved. the whole point of them is being super strong cables that dont get ripped im half, so they'd be secured in the earths crust very well. if you could disconnect that connection they would fly off into space. maybe those beacons could serve as a guidance for space ships trying to dock to the elevator up in space?

  6. I really, really loves this build. It gives so much inspiration as I'm doing my own harbor area now. Your videos do that anyway a lot. But the voiceover is kinda off. It comes so late and is very rarely on the exact moment on what you are building at the time. But great video anyway!

  7. Akruas, you are easily one of my favorite cities skylines youtubers. Your videos are very high quality, and it’s always a great time watching them. I especially love Altengrad, and I remember when I binged the entire series. Keep it up man, love your work.


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