The Politics of Spanking – Nancy Wilson & SPANKINGGATE!!!

Looks like Nancy Wilson finds herself in another controversy or two…

Pastor Toby has some thoughts on it as well

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The Article in CNN


26 thoughts on “The Politics of Spanking – Nancy Wilson & SPANKINGGATE!!!”

  1. Spanking offers an immediate consequence. It's often the quickest way we learn. It can be a 1000 lessons in one moment. My mother would spank us for crying at inappropriate times. Say what you will but we learned to control our emotions and honor our parents and whatever deed or task was before us instead of our feelings.

  2. Chocolate Knox’s comment about the attack on Rebekah Merkle and now Nancy Wilson: so when they have a problem with the Moscow crowd, they attack the women? Not men enough to attack their real target directly? 😉

  3. Amen to much of this. I think there can be disagreement in what you spank your kids for, but using the "rod" is not optional.

    For example, when my daughter is emotionally spiraling, I ask her to take a deep breath, blow it out until she is calm. If she ignores that request, she gets a spank. But, if she gets a spank before that, she almost always spirals more.

  4. I'm not defending the internet mob: there's nothing wrong wtih what Nancy said.

    My first instinct, however, is to hear her and immediately think of that pietistic type of mother who would have immediately shut everything down, taken the child out of the room, and made the whole situation really awkward to where you have to say "What was that about?" so they can describe to you exactly how high their standards for their children are while they themselves are overweight with a constantly bad attitude.

    Part of the problem is that the counterfeit has been the Christian standard for so long that people don't think anyone could discipline correctly. It's just like how we can't trust the police to enforce blasphemy laws: I don't trust them.

    The real answer is that what a pastor's wife in Moscow does is none of my business: the fact that I immediately hear something other than what she said is my problem.

  5. Discipline, respect and gratitude are essential. Inflicting physical pain on your child’s private parts is a parents lack of understanding and ability to cultivate true respect from their children.

    The “respect” you get from parental corporal punishment is a coping mechanism, cloaked in an imitation of respect.

    The cheerful greeting in this case is also not real, it’s a charade to avoid inappropriate pain and humiliation.

  6. I've never seen an adult who was damaged by moderate, rational spanking.
    1 Cor 12:31- "I show you a more excellent way "
    I spanked my first two regularly, my third rarely, my fourth once and the last one not at all. As I grew as a mom, I learned better methods.
    I had rebellion issues with the first three ( resolved) and zero rebellion with the last two.
    They are equally fine adults.
    I think spanking is for people who are tied to tradition without reason.
    Also, parents who were spanked as kids, need to rationalize their memories.

  7. This episode was such a blessing. Fellas, Good job! Well done. I am a father of four you guys open my eyes I need to repent. Also pray for me that the Lord gives me wisdom how to discipline a son with autism.

  8. Is the full interview the spanking clip is taken from available anywhere? I love the Wilson's. Have read at least one book by each of them. I'd like to see the full video in context without the cherry picking. Absolutely loved the "intervention" the kids did with Doug.

  9. Honest question, when do you/we stop calling people “brothers” and “Christians”, and start saying they are false converts and false believers? With all these “Christians” shrugging their shoulders at abortion, homosexuality, and many other sins, are they truly in the faith or are they characterized by 1 John 2:19

  10. What you are teaching your kids is that hitting another is okay in order to force them to adopt your beliefs. Literally not a single child psychologist agrees with that concept. That is lazy parenting and you are acting like morons.


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