Man charged with murder in drive-by shooting of rapper BTB Savage

Fugitive Montrel Burley is charged with murder in the shooting death of 26-year-old Darrell Gentry, a rapper known on social media as BTB Savage.


49 thoughts on “Man charged with murder in drive-by shooting of rapper BTB Savage”

  1. Damn 40 yrs old?!! wow what a loser scum bag. Jesus.. May that young man rest in peace. That piece of shit should have been kicking knowledge to those kids. Wow horrible.

  2. These people need to fix their culture, ASAP. But will they? nope. Theyā€™ll invade your peaceful community instead, white/asian/latino Man/Woman. And before you know it, theyā€™ll be doing the same bullshit they do back in their community, in yours. Vermin.

    Alsoā€”- why didnā€™t he have his gun? So many supposed gang members (mostly black or hispanic) walk around unarmed, knowing they have enemies that want them dead. letā€™s just chalk it up to low Iq.

  3. If he was so aware of the set upā€¦..i wonder why it was so easy to get to him. And if the thieves got anything from his house of valuešŸ¤”

  4. I can tell you this, I have a higher chance of being killed by one of these guys then a cop. I remember I had a gun pulled on me by a dude at a friends because he did not like my tone when I told him I dont smoke weed. Lets see if Ben Crump has anything to say about this. At this rate black men are going to be put on endangered species list in America.

  5. He killed someone on self defense and posted their blood on social media. It wasnā€™t necessary no matter what the person he killed has a family. I donā€™t support both many have killed someone on self defense but you donā€™t see them trolling the dead on social media doing interviews about it, he called for it

  6. He shouldā€˜not have posted a picture in them people blood ! Why would you do some shit like thst he was not no innocent dude , heā€™s a rapper thst talk about killing and drugs well those people are the ones who really kill an do drugs you donā€™t think they have family who donā€™t care if heā€™s right or wrong , stop the bs they both wrong ainā€™t no rip . Cause they not resting


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