The Overwatch 2 Review – BETTER Than Overwatch? (Alpha)

Overwatch 2 Alpha Review. This is review based on gameplay from the alpha. Is Overwatch 2 a BETTER game than Overwatch? Did we need Overwatch 2? TIL Yes, it’s a better game. Think of it as a refinement of Overwatch. However, it’s not that simple, so let’s talk all the new features in Overwatch 2 so far!

0:00 Intro
0:43 Pros of Overwatch 2
13:33 Cons of Overwatch 2 vs Overwatch
24:23 Conclusion

#Overwatch2 #Alpha #Review

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20 thoughts on “The Overwatch 2 Review – BETTER Than Overwatch? (Alpha)”

  1. As a D.Va main, I'm both happy and sad about the direction of OW2. I'm happy about the balance direction but I'm a bit disappointed in the direction of the tank role.
    I'm an off-tank and harasser. That's been my playstyle for years in this game, but in OW2…I'm now a main tank? We have no shields and I can't run off and harass as much anymore. I have to be a straight up bullet sponge for the squishies. If I constantly run off to deny a space as a tanky sudo-DPS, I'm leaving my supports and healers to just get absolutely trashed.

    I don't even know how I'm even going to play this game once it's released. I might end up having to be a DPS main. I'm so used to having someone else play a main tank like Rein or Orissa to help shield teammates while I take on the role of disrupting the frontline as D.Va, Winston or Roadhog as well as harassing the enemy squishies. I can't do that anymore in OW2, unless I'm a straight up DPS and it sucks. Plus, in OW2, I can now be flamed for picking a hero that doesn't really help the team comp, no matter how good I am with with my off-tank picks.

    Thanks, Blizzard.

  2. with 1 tank, they will have to turn tanks more into a tanky CC dps, with supports having the ability to buff or heal multiple people at once while doing something else. Cause 2 tanks gave them the wiggle room to do such a thing as be as having a front line, but with that added dps player, I dont see it being possible, especially if supports are made stronger

  3. PvE is now a dead genre in the time they took to produce it the pve story mode part of games is gone this should of come out years ago if they put all focus on pvp

  4. Half the pros sound and look like cons to me.

    Feels fresh? – Good. But way too late
    Less Barriers – Good
    Better Visuals – Slightly better visuals. Not impressed.
    Easier to Carry = 1 person can wreck the other team? Really bad.
    Faster Pace – Bad. It was fast enough. Looks stupid fast now unless your caffeine-crack blend is spot on.
    Slower Ult charge – good but this could be way better. Look at how Gigantic's ults were designed: you could choose to spend your ult charge on strategic/objective things instead of glory attempts. Very clever. Hobbling your overpowered ult system is bad: two wrongs don't make a right.
    New Ping system – years too late
    Less stuns – more ways to survive/outplay stuns would be better.

    Add all the cons,… and ye that's a lot of cons. I predict a big disappointment on this one. I hope another great new game can come in to scoop up all the OW players.

  5. Seeing this video after the beta is easy to notice the bad takes in this video, Rein is not bad, the game doesn't lost structure, supports are not bad, there a lot of things here that are not real, I don't feel any of this in the beta.

  6. I’ve been struggling to put words to how I felt about the Beta but oh my god ‘feels like deathmatch’ actually kinda sums it up. I absolutely hate deathmatch and what drew me to Overwatch in the first place was the team player play style. Ult/ability combos are one of the most gratifying things to me, and it felt like nobody in the beta wanted to work together and were all just off doing their own thing. Kinda hoping that was just a product of the people who played the beta/balance updates that just haven’t happened yet 🤞🏼


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