The Opal C1 Is the Webcam Your Mac Deserves!

Huge thanks to my friends at Opal Camera for sponsoring this video! Head to to check out the C1 webcam!

More and more of our life is being conducted through video calls which exposed a big problem in the last few years – built in webcams aren’t all that great, and the standalone webcams on the market have a lot of problems with not only how they look, but also how they work. However, Opal is here to change that with their Opal C1 which might be the best balanced webcam for ease of use, video quality, and it also looks great while doing it.

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17 thoughts on “The Opal C1 Is the Webcam Your Mac Deserves!”

  1. Think if I needed a better looking image than my 27 inch LG Ultra HD 5K 1080P webcam I would use continuity camera with my iPhone 11 Pro. Thing is I only use it for non professional virtual meetings.

  2. Thank you Greg for the review, I am going to check it. For years I am disappointed with Apple for the time it’s taking to upgrade the camera on the MacBook Pros. It is a high cost laptop with a very ordinary camera.

  3. sorry man but this video makes you an advertiser more than a reviewer. I normally like your videos, Greg. But the mac's built in cam is already really good, and I'd say the Opal is marginally better, but hardly presents anything additional that makes it worth getting when you consider that just another thing you have to have on your shelf or carry along. It's sharp but you're washed out in most of the shots. The lens is certainly better, but the processing is seemlingly sluggish as the jittering is quite apparent in your video example. That alone makes it a deal breaker. As for aesthetics, I'd say it looks like something of a home-brew design that is easily 3D printed. Does not look like they took any further development beyond what they started with, beyond the retro splatter/speckle texture, which personally am not too fond of.

    The only way I'd buy something my computer already has is if it is a MUST-HAVE killer app game-changer kind of feature. This is just another web camera.


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