The Nurse That Killed 400 Of His Patients For Thrills

The Nurse That Killed 400 Of His Patients For Thrills

From when we are little, we learn to trust doctors and nurses with our lives. After all, they trained long and hard to heal people and even save their lives. But what happens when they don’t mean well? And what happens when they set out to kill?

You’d think they’d get discovered right away, with so many doctors around. But there are many sneaky ways of making a patient suffer without leaving obvious traces. Tragically, nurse Charles Cullen began taking innocent lives in 1988, and it took no less than 15 years to catch him. All this time, he poisoned patient after patient, and almost ten hospitals in New Jersey were unable to stop his spree.

In his twisted mind, he was putting his patients out of their suffering. But many of these were on a quick road to recovery when he decided to take their lives. And trust me, it gets even more twisted.

#euphobia #truecrime #documentary


31 thoughts on “The Nurse That Killed 400 Of His Patients For Thrills”

  1. That guy is so secret gay and hates that he's gay so he's decided to punish the world for what he sees as his fatal flaw.
    If the world didn't make being gay wrong then he could be in a happy relationship with a happy career and be seen as acceptable.

  2. Alot of closet homosexuals and trans or lesbians feel that it's the world's fault they have to live a lie.
    So they punish the world or those they see that are living the life they feel that they deserve.

  3. I personally would rather come out and live honestly as myself and create my own inner peace but that's too hard for some people.
    What they don't realize is Every single human they see has something inside they struggle with. even the ones they envy

  4. Ok my a cardiac Tec (24) for our fabulous NHS.
    Trust me it's our job to look after and heal people, Never Never would I Ever hurt a PT.
    I just don't get it!!!
    Stay safe Leeds England

  5. This is the same d*** thing that happened with Jeanine Jones. Nurse attacks and kills innocent, helpless patients —> it’s perfectly obvious that patients are dying in greater numbers than they should be —> there’s one name that keeps springing up —> hospital launches investigation —> it becomes blatantly obvious who the AoM killer is —> hospital decides its reputation/butt is more important than patients’ lives and out of sight is out of mind —> force AoM killer to leave —> gives references/referral to keep the silence —> AoM killer goes on their way, gets hired elsewhere, murders continue.

    I hate this sort of thing. Patients are the entire reason for a hospital’s existence. For them to choose their own asses over peoples’ lives is a gross violation of everything it means to be a healer, and the institutions who did/do this should be ashamed to even call themselves hospitals.

  6. Digoxin, not dioxin. There's a bit of a difference. That said, brilliant exposure of a rotten system that let him get away with these horrors. He was fired on suspicion of MURDER, and the next employer was not told anything?

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