A sci fi documentary exploring a timelapse of future space colonization. Travel through 300 years, from 2052 to 2301 and beyond, and see how modern science fiction becomes reality.

Witness the journey of humans expanding from Earth, to the Moon, to Mars, and beyond.

Turning space into a second home, and becoming neighbours to the stars.

Other topic include: the development of fusion rocket engines, robot missions to Europa, advanced space colony building technology, a Venus floating city, the advanced Moon colony, advanced Mars colonization, asteroid mining stations, the future of quantum computer technology and building in space, simulations of a black hole, the galaxy, and the Big Bang, bio-engineering for space, advanced Asteroid deflection technology, and looking for life in the Universe.

Additional footage from: SpaceX


Created by: Jacob
Narration by: Alexander Masters (


Modern Science Fiction

A space colony sci-fi documentary, and a timelapse look into future technology and space exploration.

See more of Venture City at my website:


Book recommendations from Elon Musk on artificial intelligence, future technology and innovations, and sci-fi stories (affiliate links):
• Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
• Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
• Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era
• The Foundation:
• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:


Other videos to watch:


35 thoughts on “THE NEXT 200 YEARS OF SPACE COLONIZATION (Timelapse)”

  1. If the last ten years are an indication of mankind's trajectory we will destroy ourselves before any of this could ever happen. Science fiction is fascinating but the basic darker side of humanity such as selfishness, greed, envy, sloth, hatred, are to strong to over come in and of our selves.

  2. You fked up. With all this technology humans created between 2024 to 2129, NOT ONCE was it mentioned that scientists in 2020 found the gene responsible for aging.
    And scientists also figured out that cells don't die in the human body, but rather go dormant and the reasons why human hair and skin turn grey and wrinkle respectively.
    And those scientist are trying to figure out ways to awaken those cells to help in the reversal of human aging.
    In 2020 scientists tested on rats, mice and pigs and have figured out how to age them. Which they accomplished several times. Which showed that they have found the gene
    responsible for aging in humans.
    So in this video you are telling me that by 2129, no one continued this research that has been proven and found, so humans can live longer ? seriously ?
    Those scientists have said that currently humans in 2024 have the life expectancy of 76 years of life. But with this new discovery, humans can live for 250 years.
    Extending the life of humans, so they can preserve the human knowledge further into the future, while also making sure the young ones can learn from far more experienced humans.

    Google it, you'll see the receipts.

  3. A romantic scifi video which ignores completely the Revolution of Artificial Inteligence and the imminent singularity . By now the fastest quantic computer has 433 qu but in just 2 years will have 4 000 qu which is more than one sixtillion times more fast . Soon these computers will can calculate the position and interaction of each atom in solar system creating images and videos always more accurate from our real past and future almost as a time machine …

  4. The best possible futures for the world are those that reflect an optimistic and desirable vision for humanity. Here are some scenarios that could be considered as better futures:

    Environmental sustainability and renewable energy: A future where societies widely adopt sustainable practices, reduce their carbon footprint, and transition to renewable energy sources. This would help slow down climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure a viable future for future generations.

    Equality and inclusion: A future where all forms of inequality, whether based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other difference, are mitigated. Societies would be inclusive, offering equal opportunities for all, fostering diversity, mutual respect, and social justice.

    Accessible and quality education: A future where education is accessible to all, regardless of their social background, geographical location, or income level. Significant investments in education would develop the potential of every individual, fostering economic growth, innovation, and intercultural understanding.

    Health and well-being: A future where health and well-being are global priorities. Continued medical advancements would improve disease prevention, treatment, and cure. Healthcare systems would be accessible to all, ensuring quality care and adequate social protection for every individual.

    Global cooperation and peaceful conflict resolution: A future where nations work together to resolve disputes through dialogue and diplomacy rather than armed conflicts. International cooperation would be strengthened to address global challenges such as terrorism, pandemics, migration, and economic issues.

    Cultural and artistic flourishing: A future where artistic and cultural expression is encouraged and valued. Societies would support arts, music, literature, and various forms of creativity, allowing individuals to thrive and share their cultural diversity.

    These scenarios represent an ideal vision, but it is important to note that their realization depends on the collective commitment of individuals, communities, and governments to work together in shaping a better future for all.

  5. Regarding bio lime and life extensions. I would imagine it gets quite tricky keeping people alive when the natural resources required to maintain the human biology and ecosystem are scarce resources, especially with large scales and or economies or scale and or orders of magnitude.


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