The News That Hundreds of Elite Russian Soldiers Had Surrendered To Ukraine Shocked Putin


41 thoughts on “The News That Hundreds of Elite Russian Soldiers Had Surrendered To Ukraine Shocked Putin”

  1. 1 sry my bad english 🙂 USA shal rember all Est contry the ar not in NATO ar a taket for putin … so et ar very importen Ukrine vin thes war and destoy as moths af Rosjas militery as posibol … and wet houp sveden com in to nato Now Finland …. and on time houop Ukrine to + the extrem Re arm all Eroapa hav statet ad mom . the will in the ner fjuter be so strong a militery force in Eropa so et can handel all crises self and then USA will be abol to put all the fokus on china ef the wont .wet a strong alied in Eropa .. but ef Ukrine lus thes war . putin will continju … and ef Eropas ekonomi colaps becos of crises . Usa will lus a big chunk of global market .. and thes will cost more dollers on over time then the doller spent on suport Ukrine … and a gen ef Ukrine lus . USA will hav conflikt in Eropa the next 100 yers … the nid to lok in to …. bur wet a Viktorie to Ukrine rebild and nato member ship … Eropa will be soled as a ruk the next 100 yers … Best regarts from Danmark … agen Sry my bad englist i am wode blind 🙂

  2. If the two sides don't stop now while some things can be recovered for life to be able to get there lives building up there future in order to live like get land and water ways back to some what normal that is the key to start life to survive.

  3. Implicitly or explicitly said , this will be a protracted war and may look like a terrorism and will continue for the longer time..

    How I wish both leaders will come to a concensus that the continuing war benefits no party in the end .

    The next leader will only inherit a legacy of devastation of many regions at a cost of the infrastructure beyond belief.. Could be in billions of dollars and up to millions of lives .

    I hope civility prevails in both countries ( Russia and Ukraine ) to enjoy democracy and freedom to all citizens.. politically and socially.




  4. russia has not only made itself look stupid and incompetant, they have forever blown the myth of "invincibility"
    putin must really hate russia, to want to destroy it and get someone else to exterminate his slave poeples.

    Slava Ukraine

  5. Putin é renitente, mas tudo daqui para frente é debalde, todas as cartas que ele tinha já usou e nada conseguiu e nem conseguirá, as benesses que a vida lhe deu as tomou, não se sabe as causas dessa perda, mas se sabe as todas de decisões catastróficas nessa guerra sangrenta e insana não conseguirá êxito.

  6. Some Russian soldiers are smart and will be able to live by surrendering. Remember who's country Putin invaded the the countries Putin has attacked in the past.

  7. I feel that based on all the aid that we have given Ukraine some of those arms that has required American assistance for which the war should have never lasted this long if it was not Been the fact .that us soldiers have been there to dictate and teach strategy and covert operations.

  8. The only thing I can comment is, that what Putin is doing is an ethnic cleansing on disguise, he’s keeping his preferred rich boy’s in the country and sacrificing everyone else, this man is going to have a chair next to Satan counsel, no doubt about it.

  9. I sure do hope Ukraine wins this war! I pray for their army, their president, and all citizens of Ukraine for their safety and peace and hope it ends soon and they are victorious!

  10. The headlines of these videos are getting tiresome. Could you come up with anything except Putin was shocked on a daily basis? I think even Putin is tired of being shocked.

  11. YOUR BIAS is horrible reminds me of nightly news during Vietnam, Desert Storm and the squeal by D Cheaney and Jr 43 BS in Iraq. I FULLY SUPPORT UKR ACTIONS IN THIS WAR AND WISH US, UK, & NATO would stop Pussyfooting around with it's SELECTION'S OF WHAT IT SENDS WE BOTH KNOW THAT F-16-18 Super Hornets could be engaging R Forces today by training of or using Blackwater and KBR International forces I feel giving UKR Surplus weapon systems is helpful and everyone is Guilty of this Except Poland if you want to show P & Xi an example of NATO's BEING THEN DO IT. P may say I will NUKE all your asses but even he has seen a fairly Contained nuclear Accident. INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE DYING RIGHT NOW and all of NATO has devices that you can drive thru a window at GUILTY PEOPLE ONLY. The US Military is possible going to make a very large purchase of LAZAR.BEAM Tanks before we spend a trillion $ UKR is a perfect place to try it out and it needs NO TRAINING SEND THE GUYS WHO MADE IT if they believe it is the Future then try it out in real world event. As a NEWS ORIG your selling 1 sided BS and you are in COLLUSION which is Punishable under the LAW. Report the real and whole facts good or bad. A landing craft, go fast boat, and or Hard Bottom inflatable are not SHIP'S Your misguided WORDS are Calculated LIES And Half Truths is 1 of the Reasons this WAR Began.!!!!

  12. Oh another thing. Ukraine soldiers do not have the president telling them when to shoot and when to stop. America congress and senate and a weak president are always telling the military on what to do. Thankfully Ukraine war is not being told what they should be doing.


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