The Nature of Monster Hunter World | Full Ecology Documentary

0:00:00 – Intro
0:02:17 – Episode 1: The Ancient Forest
0:45:44 – Episode 2: The Wildspire Waste
1:12:57 – Episode 3: The Coral Highlands
1:41:55 – Episode 4: The Rotten Vale
2:08:17 – Episode 5: The Elder’s Recess
2:54:25 – Episode 6: The Hoarfrost Reach
3:33:33 – Episode 7: The Guiding Lands
4:07:07 – Bonus: The Forbidden Episode
5:14:40 – Outro/Thanks

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48 thoughts on “The Nature of Monster Hunter World | Full Ecology Documentary”

    The re-edited version is now live! No more random audio booms.
    Thank you for your patience.


    What is this?
    This is a complete compilation of my "Nature of Monster Hunter World". Think of it as a Collectors edition, I guess.

    Why is the editing/audio so inconsistent?
    This is a compilation of eight separate videos that were produced over the course of around 16 months. I grew and evolved as a creator in that time and as such, the editing and quality continously improved. For this compilation, I fixed a few things here and there but ultimately left them mostly as they were, making them snapshots of my skills at certain moments in time.

    Some of the music is different here compared to the single episodes, how come?
    In the early episodes, I used a few pieces of music that continously caused me grief with Youtubes Copyright System. In order to not have to go through that whole spiel again, I replaced all problematic songs in this complete edition.

    What happened to Kulve, Zorah and Shara?
    In the end, I could not find a way to make them fit into any episode organically. At best, I might've been able to shove them into the Bonus Episode, but considering how long that segment was with only four monsters to cover, I didn't really want to extend it to almost double.

    Why is the Bonus Episode so different from the rest?
    The Black Dragons are mysterious beings that have very little known about them… literally. Ecology regarding them is almost non-existent, and while the Iceborne Artbook does give some info, it hasn't been officially translated yet. I didn't feel that I could do them justice in the normal Documentary format, nor did it make sense for a Documentary to exist on these supposedly mysterious creatures. So I decided to stretch my creative wings a little, I guess.

    Okay but why is your Voice Acting so hammy?
    I'm doing my best.

    Will you do any more MHW Docus?
    No. I am done with MHW for the foreseeable future.

    Will you do a similar series on MH Rise?
    Maybe! It really depends on the modding scene – if good freecam/freeze frame tools become available, I will definetly consider it.

    Will you do it with older games too?
    Much less likely. Not only are mods almost non-existent there, but there wouldn't be that much to show – MHW was the first game to really go hard on the ecology angle, whereas Old MonHun mostly just has Monsters idling until the Hunter enters their Arena.

    What did you use to collect Footage?
    I used MHWCC Studio for freecam shots in the first few episodes and then switched Otis_Inf Mod for Freecam and Freeze Frame functions. I recorded with NVIDIA GeForce.

    What did you use to edit?
    Premiere Pro.

  2. Honestly these videos are so underrated. It’s so interesting to see the detail of the new world, and seeing it explored in a mocumentary format is genius. Excellently done work, can’t wait to see how you continue to grow!

  3. It's a shame we never got to visit the caverns of elderado but you have done a excellent job of exploring these creatures as animals especially as it feels like what a wyverian Reasercher would say about these creatures in universe, we need more people like you in the community well done especially on your work on the black dragons

  4. I enjoyed the experience of having your documentaries all in one place, but I think the audio mixing for the Teostra/Lunastra section may have gotten reversed. The music pumped up quite a bit and drowned out your commentary.

  5. Your work on this series has been incredible to behold. The passion you've shown for this game and its ecosystem is unrivalled.

    From the beta of base MHW i was obsessed with the world they created, it was so incredibly immersive and nostalgic at the same time for me. The only MH game I had played was MH Tri years before MHW came out. I knew from the first moment I saw that reveal trailer that this would be my return to the series, never to live without it again.

    I love your work on this series because of how incredibly detailed and realistic you are about the monsters, how you logically and fantasticly you explain all of the absurd moves and powers of every monster in every locales with just enough fantasy to make me think "of course it works that way!".

    These videos must have been the most draining thing you've done on this channel, and I just want to say that where I'm standing from it has not been wasted time. I thoroughly loved every second of every video.

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight into this absolute piece of art.

    Though some monsters weren't covered, you've more then earned your rest on this series.
    And leaving me wanting for more is not a bad sign from your angle I suppose :p

    Thank you so much again for making this, it has changed my opinion and lookout on already one of my favourite games for the better. I honestly thought that was an impossible task, and yet here we are.

  6. Five hour long video. Shush and take my multiple viewings. Seriously though. Good work on this series as a whole I truly believe the final segment despite the deviation is worthy and exceptional. If someone asks me for monster hunter lore I'll happily point them here.

  7. Now this is a terrible way to end the journey because instead of the final part being the same ecology video we know the last part is terrible a journal what a joke you dint even enclude shara ishvalva and gold tarroth and I wish the final video was an ecology than a same journal crap

  8. I love this series!! I hope that, maybe one day, you might go over some of the locations from rise, or maybe even some of the older games. Theyre not as pretty as world, but theyre wonderful and full of life all the same.

  9. The emotion and level of story craft you put into this is captivating. I would love to see more like the journal entry you written at the end of this documentary. It was fantastic, again, the emotion is top notch that you put into it. I really thought you had started crying at parts.
    Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

  10. This whole series is cool. I really do hope you do the Kamura and Elgado regions and monsters next.

    Oh and if you've read it, I hope you do like Heroes to Hunters. It was one of my first stories.

  11. Y'see this right here? (Chef kiss) This right here is some Good Shit!
    I haven't played a Monster Hunter game (Dauntless and 2-3 hours in the MH Rise demo don't count) but you decided to create a 5 hour long video series talking about what I love about Monster Hunter and I thank you for that. Although I am a bit sad we didn't get to see/visit Kulve Taroth, I completely understand as to why you didn't and I can't imagine the bonus episode not being the way it is.

    Speaking of, I Love the bonus episode, I feel like you perfectly encapsulated how it feels to fight Elder Dragons of that scale.
    In short, I love this series and every time you released a new episode I questioned why I took MHW off my wishlist.
    Thank you again for bringing this series to life.

  12. Just saying I'm not even a monster hunter fan and this video was amazing the attention to detail the way it sounds the everything it's perfect I guess Ima go pick up monster hunter now

  13. Wow wow wow this was amazingly good! Great job 👏👍I really noticed how much ambition went into this! Huge respect to you and also: you really made me feel with the hunter in the bonus part. Excellently made. Massive props🫡


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