10 Lost & Cut Content From Games Discovered By Fans

Some games are absolutely enormous and filled with places to explore…but what about the stuff the developers left on the cutting room floor?
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0:00 intro
0:15 Number 10
1:17 Number 9
2:31 Number 8
3:30 Number 7
4:44 Number 6
5:37 Number 5
6:22 Number 4
7:27 Number 3
8:30 Number 2
9:37 Number 1


10. Halo 3 – The Guardian Forest


9. Dark Souls 3 – Gods Grave


8. Mass Effect – Caleston


7. Symphony of the Night – The Underground Garden


6. Deus Ex – The White House


https://www.moddb.com/mods/nihilum – contains white house mission

5. Star Wars: Knights of the old republic 2 – The HK Factory




4. God of War 2 – The lost levels


3. Metal Gear Solid 5 – The Kingdom of the Flies


2. Demon’s Souls – The 6th archstone




1. Final Fantasy 15 – All of Niflheim



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGuKStT3so&t=1s – Niflheim

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK996Z6WKLA – Insomnia


30 thoughts on “10 Lost & Cut Content From Games Discovered By Fans”

  1. I've been watching this channel daily for years and feel like I know Jake and Falcon by now. But I honestly would love a "behind the scenes" video where we can meet and show some love to the rest of the team who give us this great content every day.

  2. Bro… Have you forgot Shadow of the Colossus?

    There were entire levels inside the game and the history of the 17th Colossus… Why have you forgot this masterpiece? And the fact that BLUEPOINT didn't made something of this… So much potential lost

  3. To love is Charity in 1600s speak so that love is charity and charity love that the two are the same word, and what do you mean when you say you love: see 1 Corinthians 13, and 4-8 especially. KJV. See also, Luke 10:25-28, Matthew 22:36-40

    ἔρως: eros is when humans go into heat, like animals; therefore, horny is like hungry and thirsty it comes and goes.

    ἀγάπη: agape is the love of God.

    Psalms 10:4 "The wicked through the pride(: a function of self-worth, a way of acting that will not lower itself to perform a healthy relationship and standard of love.) of their countenance will not seek God he is not in all their thoughts."

    So that in all their thoughts there is no remembering of the things he has done for them nor an imagination for the things he can do for them.

    See Hebrews 11:1 and 6

    James 3:16 "For where envying and strife is there is confusion and every kind of evil work.

    Every sin requires a little bit of uncaring selfishness to accomplish.

    Proverbs 1:7 "For the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools will despise wisdom and instruction." To have arrived at the assertation I didn't me, I see what's going on around me and I'm not trying to make the God that makes angry. As some of the things you see are evident warning shots.

    Matthew 4:17 "For at about that time Jesus began to preach repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

    Repent: to change your mind, to change your ways, to believe in Jesus and what he said, to ask for forgiveness.

    Note: when someone asks for forgiveness at each point in the past they did something wrong they wish they had done the right thing.

    God wanted to know who thought being a good person matters. Good people don't always use their eyes. Look how a dream is a place of things you might not engage with on an everyday basis, a new history, new laws of physics. El Shaddai, the almighty, has spoken the truth and set the stage before you get to the play.

    Grace is that which is not deserved and yet given anyway. Mercy is when God gets in front of what you do deserve.

  4. Tempest Rim in Red Dead Redemption 2 was to have been a whole chapter set in an actual inhabited town in the snowy mountains area of the game. and now it's just a part of the map you can't get to because of tall rocks. But if you no-clip you can see where all the roads and flat areas for buildings still are.

  5. Jak and Daxter has a cut level that was discovered about a year ago. Not sure if anyone here is a big Jak and Daxter fan but I thought it was super cool when I found out

  6. I remember being disappointed by RAGE. Like the first few hours or so seemed like a normal game for the most part, world-building, meeting characters — I imagine for reviewers — and then it all kind of fell apart into driving around mechanics and shooting, and all the RPG-style introductions to different characters seemed to go no-where. It's been a long time… but I don't remember the game "ending", it just stopped.

  7. Finding cut/unused content in games is always fascinating to me. Almost gives the feeling of mystery and intrigue, even though i know in reality it’s just something that the devs had to ditch that didn’t fit because of many reasons like tight deadlines and such


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