The Nanjing Massacre: Unparalleled Horror

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24 thoughts on “The Nanjing Massacre: Unparalleled Horror”

  1. We all agree over at Casual Criminalist that 'eye witness testimony' isn't reliable. As horrifying as these accounts are, I'm conflicted because of how young they were when they claim these events and how many years later they were recounted.

  2. My God. As a father this affects me to my soul. As a brother and a son we must be aware and as a husband we absolutely must never let this in to our world in the west. I'm sorry if that sounds terrible, but this is a cultural thing

  3. Did the Chinese not invade Japan first years prior and do the same to many Japanese villages !? Sounds like Karma too me honestly. I read about that massacre first yesterday for class and now this one as part a of Asian conflicts homework. What's not being said HERE is that to the Japanese this a was also seen as revenge for what happened in the past and what they did to the Chinese was what they did to the Japanese first! Not condoning it but calling a spade a spade here. You can't do something on large scale as a government and not expect the same to be done years later too your own. China is far from Innocent here and Karma came back at them but it's portrayed as worse due too the scale of it. While we can't say exactly the numbers from the time China did too Japan due too lack of record keeping and destruction of records. Lesson…. Don't do too other if you don't want it done too you… simple

  4. I really appreciate your choice not to censor the accounts. I’m a rape survivor myself, and while I completely understand such accounts being difficult to stomach, real people had to go through this. It’s important to see it for the full horror of what it is. Thank you.

  5. The Japanese, at all levels of society and government, still worship the soldiers of this event as heroes of the nation. But it's the Chinese we have to fear and hate. Not sure I understand that.

  6. You mean the incredibly racist, “superior race”, intellectual thieves which have made it incredibly transparent that they want to rule the world got slaughtered by the Kawaii people?

    Do tell me more.

  7. Very good job of narrator for the nauseating behavior of the Japanese soldiers. I can’t imagine the events you didn’t discuss but have read about. This was evil itself walking and talking. These stories need to be saved so that those who come after can see what the face of evil looks like.

  8. The Japanese government are fucking cowards for hiding the horrendous actions of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy during the war. Absolute fucking cowards. Germany, by and large, owns up to the Holocaust. Why can’t the people of Japan own up to what their ancestors have done? It makes my blood boil with rage. Every perpetrator of every massacre throughout history deserves to be held accountable for their crimes.

  9. I have the book called "The Rape of Nanking" I highly recommend people read it. Warning tho, there are victim images of raped women, murder, etc. So please read if you are in the right headspace.


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