The Mysterious Case Of Debbie Collier

Meet Debbie Collier, a 59-year-old woman who lived in Athens, Georgia, with her 67-year-old
husband, Steve. The couple were married for nine years and had children from previous
relationships. Debbie had two children: Amanda Bearden (age 36) and Jeffrey Bearden (age 33). What came about in September 2022 was beyond anyone’s imagination.
It was a wet and muggy day in Habersham county, Georgia, about an hour north of Athens, on Sunday, Sept 11, 2022, at 12:44 pm, when police officers found Debbie’s body.



41 thoughts on “The Mysterious Case Of Debbie Collier”

  1. This makes as much sense as Clinton’s aide who was hanging, with a gun shot wound and no gun near by. That was ruled a suicide. I’m going to take a wild guess, a cop or cops killed her.

  2. It's obvious Debbie was dressed to attend the tailgate party with what she bought @ the Dollar Store & possibly the football game after. I believe she was lured to the location where her body was found & maybe she wasn't the one who sent the text regarding the key & the money which if a mother was about to commit suicide I doubt these would be her last words it doesn't make sense & I'm close to Debbie's age. In some towns a nurse can give the cause of death. The police or the on call homicide detectives had Debbie's case as a homicide then for some reason said no its a suicide I'm not buying what there selling. If Debbie wanted to commit suicide she didn't need to die a horrible death she could have used her medication to do so peacefully. They should have asked the FBI for help & for them to laugh when the son would call makes me sick & suspicious of what's going on with this department. Maybe this department needs to be investigated for a lot of reasons. I think her daughter's choice of friends mixed up with drugs definitely may have played a part in this murder. I will never accept this as a suicide it's ridiculous & I too live with chronic pain in my spine amongst other pain & I couldn't drive as far as Debbie was found. I hope her son or someone helps him find justice for Debbie her husband & family.Don't give up no matter how many doors are slammed in you're face. My heart goes out to the family that loved her. 🙏💔 🇨🇦

  3. I have always thought that car accident Debbie had is the key. Not maybe the people in the accident necessarily, but rather, that it was used to lure her. It would be more clear if Debbie had said something if someone was trying to extort her and her behavior wasn’t so strange prior to her passing. Strange

  4. I will NEVER believe that this woman committed suicide, maybe by misadventure… If she was high on pills and torched herself and tried to take her clothes off and ended up over the ravine… that’s a harsh means of suicide. I would just jump off the ravine. Or… Was she smoking oxy’s and in a paranoid state set herself of fire, then tried to take her burning clothes off and ended up over the ravine clutching the branch? That indicates a lot of pain and most people don’t choose that… as suicide. Are they saving face for her or is there something more at play?

  5. I still suspect her husband. Alibis fail all the time. He has most to gain. Dtr loses by mom not giving her money. They (S & D) fought a lot per nbr. Dtr moves back D's pocketbook opens. Life savings supporting dtr not in Steve's plan. Dtr and bf scared and barricaded in their home. I believe that. Just my speculation. They did not contact each other from 9pm night before!! Weird.

  6. 18:28 I've got a sister like that, too – I dislike the company she keeps. She had 4 kids with 3 different men and two of them were hard felons. Keep the trash at the curb and don't worry about hurt feelings because it's a lot better than dealing with something like this. I'm hesitant to think suicide… zero signs, no prior attempts no note no previous trauma that may cause this reaction…

  7. Maybe whoever did this instructed her to meet them there, and bring the supplies she purchased, to stage the suicide. Suicide by lighting oneself on fire and naked seems extremely unlikely.

  8. So she set herself on fire and then jumped off the cliff? They said suicide? Ok. I guess im trying to figure out when she took off half her clothes? Suicide? Sounds like they just said F it.

  9. So… their explanation is just "suicide"? No explanation, no evidence, just "yeah were pretty sure she killed herself" wow, fuck these cops, the son must have been right about his feelings on the sherriff.

  10. ALL cops are lazy, indifferent, and useless. yes, there are only certain things they can legally do. but, they can ALWAYS be serving the public that pays them by trying on active cases. they rarely are.

  11. We should do with the UK does. They have family Liaisons that work with the family and the police. Because the police are too busy to keep giving all this information to the family and sometimes they don't handle it in the best way. There are trained people that are queried on the case and are paid to literally be the liaison with families in these situations. I don't know why we don't do this in the US you hear about this happening so often when someone needs info and can't find anyone and then their frustration Falls onto the police who are busy trying to do their job and don't have time to keep calling family members.

  12. If they have life insurance on them and are looking to provide the family with this after their death they will fake a ‘murder’ or ‘accident’ so they can collect. Usually suicide isn’t a payable death.

  13. This is why i hate police. They are like this internationally. My neice went missing and we found her on our own. Police did nothing but " keep an eye out" and " thats all they could do." I am from New Zealand. And listening to these 911 calls, i hear similar dismissive attitudes that our police have. Its like no one cares. Luckily we found my neice ourselves. No thanks to police. This is an international problem.

  14. I sincerely doubt Debbi did the crimes to herself. The ill prepared and untrained police force in Habersham county bungled the case so badly, it can’t be undone. GBI offered their assistance, but the local law declined, thinking they would make a name for the department. Well, they did!

  15. Bullshit, bullshit bullshit they just wanted to go away. They can’t prove anything they don’t know what to do so just make it a suicide. This is disgusting. I hope all the sleuths keep working on here to find out what the hell went on because we don’t trust them who would trust them bunch of dumbasses.


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