The Most Unbelievable Things the CIA Has Done

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#ThingstheCIAHasDone #sideprojects


44 thoughts on “The Most Unbelievable Things the CIA Has Done”

  1. Dude I still want to know what was in those envelopes everyone got at George HW Bush's funeral, and they all looked surprised to get theirs and open it. I remember watching it on tv but I can't find any clips about it, and now everything's digital so good luck stumbling on any documents ever. and even if you do find any declassified papers who you gonna call????

  2. MK Ultra could make an hours long video on its own. Stephen Kinzer's book, Poisoner in Chief, goes into great depth, concentrating largely on the operation's head, Sidney Gottlieb. Fascinating reading/listening.

  3. If you choose to make another video about the CIA, you should cover Operation: Mockingbird. Where, in the 60s they infiltrated the news media successfully, and have turned it into a propaganda machine. Before this happened, you can watch news clips before them, and see how fair they reported the news from both sides, just giving facts, without them injecting their personal feelings one way or the other. It's funny how times have changed. Now they want to make America basically a Communist country.

  4. So you're saying it's not impossible the USA may purposely be shady and may also create false flags and may insert and create potential terrorist threats for what only a few individuals consider is the greater good no matter the casualties as long as its not them

  5. I remember when people started talking about MKULTRA in the late 70's/early 80's. The talk of what they'd done was so bizarre & so inhumane it sounded just like a conspiracy theory. So, like many non-conspiracy theorists, I just avoided talk of it. But since then, the whole grimy crapfest has been discovered to be all too true & more & more if it keeps coming to light.

  6. “American democracy”. 😳🤪🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  7. You hardly scratched the surface… I worked with the CIA and NSA and military intelligence… but, you don’t have the need to know even today.

  8. CIA is nothing more than a criminal organization with badges, created by Bush Sr being re-named after OSS. We only know the tip of the iceberg as far as the heinous and diabolical acts they have commited/responsible for!

  9. Not sure which channel it would be best for, but I would love to see Simon & Team cover the work of David Mech and its societal implications. Mech is the guy who is solely responsible for this "Alpha male" bullshit.

    This dipshit (allegedly) wrote and published a book in the 70s containing wild crackpot theories about how wolves battle it out for dominance and the victor becomes the leader. The dude came up with this after watching one family of wolves in captivity and mistaking the father wolf scolding his young for acting a fool with a dramatic power struggle.

    Every incel the world over immediately latched on to this theory as some kind of scientific basis for their supposed superiority and justification for violence. Professional dog training went in an outright abusive direction as trainers genuinely believed that beating animals into submission would make them obey (it doesn't, it makes them more unpredictable).

    Mech has since backpedaled and published work that actually makes sense, but the damage was already done. There's bound to be a rabbit hole, or wolf hole, to uncover there. Q Anon in particular loves this guy's earlier work!

  10. The CIA sprayed an hallucinogen over an entire French village 🤯🤯😵‍💫 . CIA stands for Cunts In Authority .
    One question , how do you hold coins in that Ridge wallet ????

  11. One of the crazy things about Mk Ultra is that it wasn't even really science. They just YOLO'ed random drugs into random people, no proper controls. It's not even ruthless but competent dystopia. It's dumbass dystopia with a complete lack of oversight and accountability. It's one thing to be at the mercy of an evil genius. It's a whole new level of terror to be at the mercy of an evil moron.

  12. To answer your questions starting with question number one.
    what is the CIA up to today?
    Answer: Engaging in activities that are more horrible than anything a DieHard conspiracy theorist can come up with
    Question number two.
    will we ever know about it?
    Answer: If the CIA has anything to say about it NO.


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