The Most Toxic Turn 3 Combo Kills in Standard | Against the Odds | Magic: the Gathering (MTG)

Phyrexia: All Will Be One Standard is here and we kick off our exploration of the format with the most toxic meme deck of all time: Venerated Rotpriest Combo!

Today’s video was recording during the #MTGArena early access event. Thanks to Wizards for letting us use a free stocked account!

Today’s video is brought to you by Card Kingdom. You can pick up some MTG cards (and help support the show) at

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23 thoughts on “The Most Toxic Turn 3 Combo Kills in Standard | Against the Odds | Magic: the Gathering (MTG)”

  1. I have to say this Deck also works in Pioneer but I have some Changes in that list. Besides rotpriests that Deck also plays benthic biomancers on 1 and to better use his loot ability I opted for snakeskin vails.

    If you want i can give you the full list

  2. I do the same with black green and it seems to be a little more stable.I have back up if rot priest is some how removed and necrogen communion is always nice if you can pop on turn two with no blockers. If some how rot priest is removed it just comes back. Fill the deck with removal proliferate or any cheap buff.

  3. Funny how my games look NOTHING like this. I guess Arena really does favor pay-to-play players. So sad that Wizards of the Coast ruined MTG with this GARBAGE digital disgrace of a game. Save yourself the frustration of getting screwed every time if you can't afford to spend money and just play paper Magic. WAAAYYYY BETTER than this BS game!!! Very unfortunate that Wizards only cares about the $…

  4. I keep clicking on your videos not realizing its you and then I get blasted by your irritating voice. My life is becoming unmanagable. Your content is great -your voice, however, SUCKS! Do I listen to great content while suffering hopelessly? Or do I just listen to mediocre content while still suffering because I know it could be better and I may be missing out on important key details. Dude. Please make a video where you talk normal. This blows dude – I think you know at this point that it pisses people off…why do you keep doing it? like its not funny anymore man.

  5. Staff I see you misplaying in so many videos. In the match where you had 2 lands you could have responded to your March with a 2nd march instead of phasing your opponents stuff and instantly won


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