The Most Promising Upcoming Dinosaur Games

There are a bunch of Dinosaur games announced and there is something similar about them all but which one is your favourite.

The Lost Wild:

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43 thoughts on “The Most Promising Upcoming Dinosaur Games”

  1. Personally I`m more hyped about how Path Of Titans will go, and maybe The Isle.
    I want to play as a Dinosaur, or reptilian. Not a human that goes around with a shotgun and kills them.

  2. Really tired of the same regurgitated 'survive and shoot dinosaurs' tropes. I wish someone would try a Dinotopia open-world or RPG action game where you can also talk to dinosaurs and they have their own cultures and subcultures. I'm looking forward to see how the cartoony Palao Pines, turns out; but if you've seen the breathtaking and detailed dinotopia artwork, there's just no dino-centric utopia game on its level yet.

  3. I know I sound like a paleo nerd crying about inaccuracies. But how is it that we are in 2023 and scaly raptors are still very common in this current era of paleo media? Seems the only place you can reliably see (accurately portrayed) feathers on the raptors is in very high end documentaries.

    What I hate about most of these modern trailers is the trailer will be about two or three minutes long but only show a combined 5-10 seconds of actual gameplay, and instead they spend all the rest of the time showing these insane cinematic shots to show how beautiful the world is. And yeah, gorgeous graphics are usually a plus in my book, but I value enjoyable gameplay so much more. I dont care how beautiful it looks; if the game is unplayable, Im not going to like it. So if you want to sell more people on your game, just show some gameplay. The trailer doesnt have to be entirely gameplay but show enough to give customers a general idea of what their actual experience would be like before they dump their money into it. And no, five seconds of basic, generic fps gameplay isnt enough to sell me on the idea that your game is good, much less creative.

  4. There's a new game called Paleo Pines coming out. It's basically Stardew Valley with dinosaurs as pets/helpers around the farm. Looks so relaxed and the dinosaurs are adorable. Doesn't really fit with the tone you set with this video, but it IS technically a dinosaur game coming soon.

  5. i personally think having humans vs dinosaurs in games are boring and incredibly over done i just want a realistic dinosaur survival game like saurian and the isle combined with fun pterosaurs and small crocodilians

  6. i'm just tired of every Dinosaur game being the same nowadays, it's either
    . you are alone on an island and are surviving against dinosuars
    . you are alone on an island and you are surviving AS a dinosaur
    . Jurassic Park Operation Genisis
    i just wish we had more fun ones, like more silly fighting games, or a Pokemon styled RPG, there are plenty more ideas you can do with Dinosaurs, but everyone keeps doing the same thing

  7. There's a good dinosaur game coming out later this year, called Paleo Pines it looks good, but if you don't really like farming u might not like the game so its an nice option if people like/love dinosaurs

  8. I really dislike when people just straight up rip the jurassic park design for the raptors in their game and call it a day. Pluck your raptor's feathers if you want, but good god don't just straight up make them look identical to JP… you can tell when someone does it very easily since JP raptors don't look like any actual species (though they do closely resemble deinonychus) so they have their own signature look. If you copy that look, you will be able to tell.

  9. No dinosaur game will ever be better than Turok 2008, fight me. (I've been wanting to replay that game for such a long time now, I would literally pay a hundred bucks just to buy a copy of its remaster ; – ; rip Turok)

  10. Gaming company's over market and lie us into games not the gamers fault pluss streamers push games on community's and gamers no hate just fact. I was gaming before it was on Internet .all gamers now are not made to last fast cash

  11. instinction – it's the same trailer. like they have done nothing just created the trailers in this year (0/10 anticipation )
    The lost wild – Looks promising it showed way more than the first one (7/10 anticipation)
    Ferocious – King Kong and Skull island vibes (7/10 anticipation)


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