The Most Clueless Flat Earther in Existence

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The Queenz has started a new series. The flat Earth Win Compilation. Sounds very familiar doesn’t it. Let’s check it out and see her colossal misunderstandings!

Thanks for watching.

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Dan’s opinions shared in this video are supported by verified facts (whether scientific or general) and they should be treated as just that: opinions. All critique and humour are addressed to the words and actions of individuals and not to the individuals themselves, under the Act of Free Speech.

#flatearth #fail #challenge


36 thoughts on “The Most Clueless Flat Earther in Existence”

  1. I have no doubt she'd be in absolute denial that during a crescent moon, most of the side we can't see is lit. I think she genuinely believes that only the parts we see lit are lit at any point.

  2. why in the name of common sense and sanity are we still bothering , or spending any time with flat earthers' and their obvious mental health issue , let them drown in their delusion and we can just ignore this crap and concentrate on our own crap.

  3. I'm nearly convinced that flat-Earthers have been brainwashed, and programmed to believe in a flat Earth, and no matter how unfounded, illogical, and lacking any scientific evidence, they remain quite adamant in their argument because they have been brainwashed to function as a distraction from other debates humanity could be involved in . . . debates that could likely prove to be beneficial. This ludicrous theory of the Earth being flat is so preposterous that surely there must exist some conspiracy behind this phenomenon. It wasn't birthed out of nothing naturally, only to quickly gain a significant following of believers. There is something more to this here . . . and all I can theorize is that it must be a distraction, but from what???

  4. I think you slightly misunderstood her confusion about full moons vs eclipses. There's a pretty large area of the sky that the moon can be and look "full", nearly opposite the sun. But in the middle of that region is a little dark spot, since the Earth's shadow blocks the spot that's exactly opposite the sun.

  5. These woke lunatics can barely tie their shoe laces, without doubt the stupidest generation since Jesus died, even her/his voice resonated "dumb", couldn't finish the video it was so irritating….

  6. I use to be that person that thought every point could be argued. That you can make anything make sense to someone if you're patient enough. Now I understand that some people are just fucking stupid and have no problem with staying stupid and wasting your breath on them ends up making you the stupid one now. Just let them be ignorant

  7. Star trek: fleet commander is the worst p2w game ever created stay away from it and for scimandan please check you your sponsors just looking at the game reviews you would see it is one of the worst games ever

  8. Listen, I can disprove the flat earth without using any type of science. If the Earth was flat, there’s a 100% chance that there would be someone selling you tickets to go see the edge. No one selling tickets = no edge. There are however people, charging you money and selling tickets to go into space.


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