TBBT S07E04 | Howard – Because her life wasn't enough? #shorts

TBBT S07E04 | Howard – Because her life wasn’t enough?



23 thoughts on “TBBT S07E04 | Howard – Because her life wasn't enough? #shorts”

  1. Indiana Jones stories are about the adventure and the journey, not about the outcomes. Like the Holy Grail result in the Last Crusade. Some mysteries should remain a mystery for future explorers. Otherwise it would be like a main character who wanted to trave, but the teacher always wrecks the dream by saying how everything has been discovered or explored (The Truman Show).

  2. I say Indy is relevant to raiders as without him the Nazis MIGHT have taken to heart the warnings that Indy found and translated to say "don't open the ark" since the warning wouldn't be coming from a percieved enemy.

  3. This is one of those things that has become a wide spread gotcha about Raiders that is actually wrong, the Nazis only knew where to even find the medallion because they followed Indi to Mary who had it


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