The Most Broken Glitch in Elden Ring – That No One Understands

Feel free to post in the comments if anyone can replicate this with any form of consistency.

As far as we know, certain areas work a bit better for this glitch, but overall it is extremely random.

Goodluck and try not to get carpal tunnel 🙂


33 thoughts on “The Most Broken Glitch in Elden Ring – That No One Understands”

  1. Maybe this happens because you clip into the terrain. Perhaps it is a similar mechanism used by the walking mausoleums. I have been pushed outward while standing on those as It begins sitting down. This could be a case of the game giving you a large velocity to force you out of the ground/wall if you get clipped it

  2. Another big glitch that my friend and I have both experienced is with malenia, for the last hit we both had a riposte in her first phase then in phase 2, she didnt start with the scarlet bloom and just died, my friend got a screen recording of it but i couldnt

  3. it kinda looks similar behaviour to when you try to scale cliffs with the horse, and it stacks up a tonne of fall damage the further you go/land, maybe it literally tries to make you fall through the floor but sends you horizontal/forward for some reason

  4. I've gotten the zips down to be very consistent (using a macro mind you) but the distance appears completely random. I honestly don't think this is viable for a short run because it could waste a loong time

  5. Maybe its like dark souls 2 "true self" and "shadow self" where you can make your shadow self keep going but not your true self and then youll get teleported to where your shadow self is

  6. The teleport starts before your character even moves.
    The terrain is at a very slight alleviation.
    What i think i happening: The terrain needs to be at a specific alleviation degree and your character needs to move into that alleviation at a specific tap frequency. This will trip out the engine and rubberband you forward because it detects you being "stuck". Similar to enemies getting stuck in terrain and getting reset or teleported to a nearby position. The bigger your hitbox the easier it is to trigger because there is more character to interact.

  7. Everyone memed when they asked for LBJ's. Turns out Elden Ring has LBJ's in a sense. I'd hazard a guess that it's similar to them in the rhythm of how fast you're tapping the directions while hitting an incline?

  8. I‘m feeling that it‘s something like the game testing if you‘re touching the ground with a simple false/true, then when you hit a specific elevation and somehow get another small bit of elevation in, the game goes crazy and sets you at max value because it can‘t go into the negatives. I don‘t know if you get what I mean lmao.

  9. What we know so far:

    Can do it with or without stats for weapon
    Block required (thus far)
    2 Handed block stance doesn't appear to have impact on ability to warp

    What is the equipload/gear/talismans on the characters?
    Maybe something to do with controller deadzone?
    Can it be aimed? (like in last clip)
    Slope required?
    Does it work with shields?
    Frequency of movement unknown.
    Does FPS have impact?

    If anyone has answers please let me know.


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