The Most Accurate Dinosaur Ever Reconstructed?

Have palaeontologists made the most accurate dinosaur reconstruction ever? Well, thanks to an incredible fossil of Psittacosaurus they very well may have, as this specimen preserves almost all of the animal’s skin and colours – plus some surprising bits of anatomy you wouldn’t think could ever be reconstructed.

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44 thoughts on “The Most Accurate Dinosaur Ever Reconstructed?”

  1. why does it matter that it was taken out of china? the dinosaurs do not belong to the current sitting power. I dont understand this train of thinking. The current powers in every country are just the last victors of the most recent war/coup. I understand not wanting fossils to be in private collections but as long as they are available to all what is the issue?

  2. Thanks for an amazing video about this amazing creature! I love to visit the Natural Sciences Museum in Stockholm Sweden!! My two daughters are practically brought up in that place! She even opted to have her birthday party at that museum! For a few years all of the museums in Stockholm were free of charge to enter for everyone, so I used this to my advantage by going there every time I had some spare time with the kids. They have a lot of things and a huge display of different climates and different times, it’s ABSOLUTELY Worth every penny even with the cover charge being reinstated, so if you ever have the chance to visit – just do it! You won’t be disappointed, I can say that much! And as a topping on the cake they have the worlds first IMAX movie theater with 180 degrees screen, that means that the screen is all round you and the sound system is awesome too, really worth a visit. In the temporary display they show beautiful things that change several times a year, check the webpage to see what is currently on display. They have a collection of minerals and gems that’s enormous in size, very beautiful pieces are on display there. Go visit every time you get a chance!!!

  3. Imagine dying in the woods and millions of years later your body is in a museum and a guy films himself pointing out the poop that was in your butt when you died

  4. When I was eight and drawing pictures of "T-Rex fighting a…" – it was the fifties. All dinos were huge stupid lumbering cold-blooded animals. Reproduction and eggs were a mystery. It was so simple. Did that brontosaurus have a brain in its tail? Probably not. Don't tell me – Brits invented paleontology.

  5. We will find T-Rex would be dark Panther with Dark Stripes of stubby feathers like Kiwi feathers. Back of the head, in males, would have a Mane heading to the spine n down to tail.

    I hate seeing them just skin & scales. We may scrape the evidence away just trying to get to the bones first n foremost.

  6. How is it that almost every fossil that is found in China people suspect it being fake only to later in the video turn out to not be fake. Is fossil faking pretty common in the field? What’s the history behind that it think it’ll be interesting


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