The Mandalorian season 3 set a plague unto my household and sold my cat

A genuinely great season of television. I have no notes.

Mando stream discussion part 1:

Mando stream discussion part 2:

Mando stream discussion part 3:



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48 thoughts on “The Mandalorian season 3 set a plague unto my household and sold my cat”

  1. No matter which way you think about it, its Obi's and never really was Gideon's, and as such is not din's nor bo's. Obi beat Pre, so it shouldve been his, but if it was only to the death, then when he killed Maul then it shouldve been his since it was Maul's at the time. Then Obi lost to, and then later was killed by Anakin, making it his. Then Anakin died from Luke, and as such Luke is the true ruler of mandalore.

  2. 16:2117:15 Honestly so satisfying to hear someone else finally say it, this was driving me insane as early as Season 2. And every year come the 4th of May, I now have to hear braindead fandom troglodytes parrot it like it's in any sense heroic.

  3. To me, it was obvious that he was supposed to overcome his limitations to become a leader.
    It feels like they just took his arc and replaced him with Bo Katan and made him into a supporting character.
    Also bringing Grogu back was a mistake. This made all the sacrifices he went through meaningless.
    And I won't blame Favrou for this, if my feeling is correct, it means he was pressured into doing this.

  4. I won't lie, I watched with my non-star wars loving partner and we both loved the season. It's hard to please everyone and the "meta" of film production changes over time so getting a perfect experience will never happen.

    Their heart was clearly in the right place and for that I am very grateful for the series.

    Cuz all of this very easily could be more of the Sequels.

    I don't think any of us want that.

  5. star wars critics c'mon, stop it "I could care less about this new show" when you say stuff like that you dont look smart you look smug. its not the star wars you wanted but a lot of people worked really hard to make it happen. I think we should all just be grateful it's not JJ Abrhams' star wars, everyone says that I know. truth is this is the same with the latest Bethesda games they aren't the best they can be but better than an alternative. that sort of mindset might not be enough for you but another thing is I see a lot of critics who critiques things they dont actually care about. who don't actually have love for the franchise, I don't think that is fun to watch it just looks like you are just looking for something to complain about.

  6. "Evidently they're stretched completely thin with what they're dealing with, and yet they're needlessly throwing away resources?"

    Hmm that sounds familiar to some current events in the real world, i wonder why that is?

  7. Star Wars worldbuilding has been iffy since empire and how the millennium falcon reached cloud city without a working hyperdrive. Even in return of the jedi, ewoks somehow manage to kill armored stormptroopers with rocks. This armor allegedly can reduce the impact of blaster bolts, but any idiot with a rock can overcome this. How did the empire stay in power anyway?

  8. It never ceases to amaze how seriously people take this show, wherein King Carl Weathers and a man dressed as Buck Rogers' robot pal talk to a cooing sock that does backflips with a straight face. Which features cartoon characters that debuted when commenters were likely still children, treating a cooing sock that does backflips like a young warrior. And we get biting criticisms like, 'there was a black lady in it' and, 'the writing did not go in a direction I cared for'
    Imagine watching 5+ hours of something you don't like and then complaining about it to people who agree with you.
    Imagine letting Hollywood executives whom you've never met, and don't care about you live rent free in your head.
    Imagine being triggered by America's sweetheart Jack Black.

    Gotta keep the Darth Vader nightlights on I guess.

  9. Careful, they want to add dinosaurs to star wars, which might act as some kind of cognitohazard that keeps people from thinking logically about a film and its lore, it worked for Jurassic World after all…

    So, the more space dinosaurs you see, the more idiots will come out of the woodwork with asinine and backward arguments to attack you with… or maybe they'll just stalk and harrass you where you live, one or the other, maybe both…

  10. I’m glad you questioned how did he know the pirates were working for the empire because when I was watching it that’s the first thing that came to my mind, I thought I missed something

  11. I found it particularly weird that the Mandalorians moved to Nevarro and it was a big deal that they could live there as a police force only for them to leave immediately…

  12. My least favourite character in season 1 was IG-11 and they made him even worse. Great job! (Why was he my most disliked character, you ask? Because I love „Therefore I am")

  13. As far as the mind flayer machine goes: yeah, its existence is stupid, but I think it's sensible that you can adjust the dial high enough to be dangerous to a human, because there are other species it needs to be used on. Imagine if your susceptibility to the mind flayer is the same as your susceptibility to mind tricks, you'd need to crank that dial to use it on someone like a toydarian to the same effectiveness that a lower setting would have on a human.
    Admittedly a tiny nitpick, but it's one based on a criticism I'm seeing most people bring up in their critique of season 3.
    Literally everything else about that scene is dumb, though. Leaving the potential torture device in the hands of one unmonitored individual, the fact they have the device in the first place, etc.

  14. I think everybody needs to sit down and think about what's actually important; my parents love this show and they're going to be sad when they finally get around to watching season 3 and it's not as good. Please send thoughts and prayers during these trying times.

  15. "…It means Disney isn't gonna be able to keep producing mediocre shit unquestioned for much longer.."


    "Disney presses ahead with Andor Season 2 production, in spite of writers strike!"

  16. I didn't notice that about the Darksaber rules. Thank you for clarifying this. Also, Bo earning it because Din lost it to a robot, who lost it to Bo is logic a saw on an instagram meme before episode 3 aired. No joke

  17. The New republic in the new canon is a broken mess where no one knows what the hell they are doing. They are still technically at war with planets still under imperial control and Mon Mothma wants to entirely disband their fleets or any resemblence of an army simply because she doesn't want to look like the empire, you know because defending your people is imperialist and evil. Which is why the new republic is doing nothing during the sequel trilogy and we have a new resistance led by Leia who has some damn common sense. New canon is garbage.

  18. I actually love the stoic mandalorian "cult" and their creed. And also LOVE the "this is the way" saying going around all the time. It is like an affirmation on the characters willingness to follow the way of the Mandalor, regardless of its difficulty. Armorer is also my favorite character because she always manages to find a solution in any situation while upholding the creed.
    The unforgivable sin of this season by a big margin, in my opinion was the episode about the scientist and his non binary spy friend.

  19. 6:30 grogu doesnt fly the ship, pretty sure Din tells the astromech to escape, or at least grogu tells the astromech. We know how astromechs work, we know grogu can speak somewhat, at least communicate with other beings. That isnt a crazy thing to happen.

  20. I could not have said it better, I completely get why this took way more effort than this show deserves, but it needed to be said. I'm not a hardcore fan to 'absolutely having to' watch everything as soon as it comes out + owning the merch (apart from THE trilogy box set, a beanie I was given and never wore), I'm a fan enough though to be absolutely fucking furious with whatever the fuck this show is supposed to be, I stopped watching after the first season and I'm only as up to date as the 'echos reaching the bits of internet I visit'. I'm so glad I stopped watching, the bitch-slap every consecutive episode delivers would be too much. I understood this simple truth of today's world, and at least can make sense of what's going on… there is combined effort on many fronts to attack and destroy all values, all symbols, all heroes and all that gives people deeper meaning, improves them and makes this rock a better place to live on. skill, talent, hard work and having a spine are substituted with what we see the fruits of… aah hell, where this is going Lizzo will turn out to be the Supreme Leader Empress Darth Lizzoj Fattnesss, by what I saw in the cut scenes, aaah enough, may long life, prosperity and the force be with you, do your part and receive all transmissions 😉

  21. I hate winter, but it is still a better season than this.
    The first season of The Mandalorian only gave hipe to many, because it was the first time a Disney Star Wars anything didn't scream 'kill the past' from the top of its throat. It was supposed to be improving from then on …

  22. THANK YOU for mentioning the "direct democracy" thing; it's been bugging me since I watched the episode. A bunch of great points throughout — the few videos I've seen on Mandalorian have been base-level "show bad" accusations more than actual criticisms and didn't really say why "show bad," but this one gave me a lot I wholeheartedly agree with.

  23. I was hoping that the show would validate the Children of the Watch so that was only element of a disappointing season I actually liked. During the pandemic response the only people in my circle that understood right from the beginning what that actually was, and whose instincts have been validated on almost every front now that it has all come out, were the fundamentalist Christians. They knew instinctively, based solely on their traditions, what that was and were able to escape injury as a result.


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