THE MANDALORIAN Season 3 Episode 7 REVIEW – Breakdown, and Easter Eggs!

Last week, my mic hated the episode so much that it died. And somehow, I was SO annoyed that I fought through and made a video anyways.
This week? A much different story.
In this video, Iโ€™ll pick apart this absolutely stellar episode, as well as point out some easter eggs and fun tidbits throughout.


27 thoughts on “THE MANDALORIAN Season 3 Episode 7 REVIEW – Breakdown, and Easter Eggs!”

  1. Hard disagree. I think the episode is still bad written and nothing that happens was built up or earned. It feels like they throw cool toys randomly at me which is the reason why many people enjoyed it. This feeling comes definitely from all the weak episodes in this season which mostly were uninteresting and without a direction but also the hard reset in the Boba Fett series of the Baby Yoda Ark. I would give it a 4/10 or when I turn my brain off a 5/10 but overall the complete Mando series fits good in the other Disney shows like Boba and Obi-Wan. Mediocre entertainment without depth and lack of creativity.

  2. Last Week it was," OH GOD THIS IS TERRIBLE!" This week it's," OH MY GOD IT'S AMAZING." No one is asking the question of what is the EndGoal? What does Din Djarin desire? What purpose does he serve without Baby Yoda? What are Din Djarin's motivations? Where is he going in his life. These are question the fans waited until now to ask, but because this episode had lasers go pew pew it's amazing.

  3. You give me hope…a new hope..๐Ÿ˜‰.
    I'll finish Mando and get Andor.
    Star Wars was over at TLJ for me.
    And then Second Chance was when Mando hit and disney plus was "ok"
    Actually I gave up at episode 1 and 2.
    I skipped Ep3 and I gave it a shot after a freind said
    "it's a good standalone for sci fi even if you hate the prequels"
    So this well help a lot, you have amazingly similar taste to me and literally 10 times my Star Wars knowledge…
    As I've been out for decades.
    Awesome Channel a new favorite.
    Anti garbage anti woke channels are getting to be a drag.
    You do it so well, so informative and entertaining.
    Your depth is Eric Voss level but he is a bit to "fanboy everything is awesome" for me since MCU went to rubbish.

  4. I could have gone without the stroller, and I am massively bummed that Paz was killed off. His death was unnecessary, at least I think so. Now I'm curious if the Armorer will allow Din to also "walk both worlds" because it wouldn't make sense to allow him to wear his helmet as a prisoner. For me the only way to make up for Paz's death would be to bring back and unleash Boba and bring back Fenic Shan. I also want to know something else, did anyone else hear the Anzellan drop an "F-bomb"? I read some article where that claim was made. I didn't catch it, myself.

  5. this show makes me so mad.. the season could of just been 4 episodes, this one, the finale, and pick whichever other two, and i would be happy, These jerks made me wait 7 weeks for finally a good story. bunch o jerks

  6. Tbh, i feel as if this Episode did tie some things nicely. Doesn't excuse the lack of writing. I believe it's Disney's fault they've forced a lot on John and ultimately ended up ruining the Book of Boba Fett.


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