The Making Of The Last Of Us Part 2 – Luke Reacts

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Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and Twitch. This channel has Live Stream clips and highlights in addition to the streams themselves. Check out Lukeโ€™s main channel & other content by going to: !!

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45 thoughts on “The Making Of The Last Of Us Part 2 – Luke Reacts”

  1. Iโ€™ll spare you my theories for Part 3. But I think part of the disconnect for most fans is that Part 2 leaves a large incomplete feeling at its end, where part 1 felt like it could end there.

    I donโ€™t think they thought, โ€œletโ€™s do a part 2โ€ I believe they thought, โ€œthis can be a trilogy.โ€

    I think there was an outline for Part 3 before part 2 was finished. One that, hopefully, will be a respectful cap to the entire series.

  2. Oh no half man half bull what if Ellie is one of Zeus's kids

    And the last of us Part 4 Kratos and Ellie will have a moment and she will ask if there are still more of them and Kratos will respond:"You and I are The Last of Us….."

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚….I need to go to bed.

  3. Giving the player the choice not to kill the doctor. Only to undermine that choice in part 2 for setup was mistake #1. They became overly ambitious with this story and tarnished characters in the process. This doc only reinforced that for me. I give ND credit for even trying and the devs for creating a technical marvel.

  4. Even though Abby's characteristization and writing was not great, therefore some of the plot elements being bad, I still love the game and Ellie's part of the story. It would have been pretty easy to make the fan base empathize with Abby a bit more, thus more well liked, without changing the story too much. They could have just vocalized Abby's regret about torturing and killing Joel. Maybe have her come to the realization that she commited the same act that Joel did by killing him in front of Ellie. I dont know why they thought giving her a frar of heights would make her more relatable than having intense regret for killing a beloved character in the way she did. They also didn't really delve into how she didn't feel any better after doing so. Also, i dont think her only redemption should have came from taking in Lev and Yara. Joel's redemption didn't just come from adopting and saving Ellie. It came from changing his ways and becoming a better person. Sure, Ellie was the catalyst but that wasn't it. They were trying to mirror her with Joel, but i think they missed the mark a bit. I also doubt she's going to get the same treatment he did in part 3.

  5. Dude you absolutely hit the nail on the head about why people gatekeep gaming and speak out against accessibility/representation in games. It's all about selfishness. If it isn't for able-bodied cisgendered straight white males (also typically Christian) then it just shouldn't be made, according to them. That's the entire goal of white supremacy and Christian nationalism. It's becoming more and more extremist, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ rep and accessibility in games. And it absolutely should be called out, every damn time.

  6. 1:33:46 I mean that's not what he said, his sentence made sense. "I'm confident in the demo if we finish it", so if they complete the editing, and its to their liking they are confident the audience will like it as well, which is completely different to what you said:" I'm confident in the thing were doing as long as it doesn't suck"…

  7. I would disagree that itโ€™s cheap to do violence against a preggo. I thought that took some guts. No one does it. If it were cheap, this would have been done many times thru game history.

    Edit: i agree about Marlene. Never got mom vibes from her

  8. 2:45:59 I had the same thought, but then it occurred to me that… the people that wrote those hateful comments and messages weren't normal… I mean no normal person would have such a fucking aggressive reaction over a fictional character, right? That got to be some form of "mental illness" even if its not a major one, and that led me to thinking what kind of people occupy the gaming space, obviously people of all ages play these games regardless if its rated for 18+ audiences, I know even lil kids that played this even as young as 9 years old, YES obviously on the other hand you have normal healthy people that play games, from little kids to adults (which is definitely the majority) but also there are people with mental health issues, I mean some people would even put a lonely antisocial kid that isolates themselves into their room while playing this types of games into that category, even kids like that can get can get into a state of fury… but some people I guess just can't control it and just target that rage at others without even recognising they are people with emotions, families as well… i wonder what the percentage of people like that in the gaming space is… its just sad to think about.

  9. Well, without crunch ND is doomed…. The company grew on crunch being its backbone…. and seeing as to how complicated it is to make their games i can't see how eliminating crunch will help their design process. Crunch is necessary to make a game of the year.

  10. I've wanted to comment on your original commentary of Part 2 & never did because of the time gap. I played Part 2 completely blind aside from generally assuming Joel was going to die. Part 2 threw me for a mind F$&# to say the least. I felt a very prominent sense of unease the entire game. I thoroughly enjoy your views on games regardless of my differences of opinion on many things. I do feel that some of the game felt like a drag at some points, however I loved Part 2 in its own right.

  11. Have to disagree on the whole pregnancy discussion, or at least in context for how it didnโ€™t add much to the story it absolutely did. It helped further show how far Ellie went into her obsession and revenge that she ended up not caring about Dina, the woman she loves and JJ basically her child. Violence and her obsessing over the need to get revenge has a cost and knowing Ellie might lose her love and her child she still ended up going after Abby. And when she got back from Santa Barbara, they were gone. she lost everything, that was the cost.

  12. 2:44:00 Ahhh come on I wanted to play the suicide squad game but now I practically know what's going to happen. God damit but your video was good I enjoyed seeing your reaction to the documentary. Love your channel ๐Ÿ˜ but still God damit.

  13. Itโ€™s shocking I you switched views Luke, you were oh so very critical about the storyline and Joelโ€™s death, and now you suddenly agree with the developers and their reasonings.

    We all know Joel would end up dead before the leaks, itโ€™s the pacing of his death, it was too early in the game, we donโ€™t have much time with him before they ended our beloved character.

    They couldโ€™ve killed him off in the middle of the game, and we couldโ€™ve seen Ellie and Joel lash it out before she couldโ€™ve forgiven him.

  14. This game is meant to be exhausting because that is exactly what Ellie feels through the whole game.
    Ellie is more tortured and broken as the game come to end,just like player was exhausted by the length of game.
    The cycle of revenge and violence is exhausting and endless.

  15. I couldnโ€™t disagree with you more on the story in part 2 not being great. I understand itโ€™s jarring but thatโ€™s the point and I loved it. The ending was a bit meh but overall 9/10

  16. I'm just wondering. What happens when the crunch is gone, the impact is then development time becomes much longer and/or the quality isn't as high as expected. What the media and gamers would say? There's a cost for everything. I don't expect people think the dev time isn't getting much longer with 0 crunch, or God forbid, impact quality. I just hope they don't complain about it afterwards.

  17. The pregnancies do a lot, first off ellie was willing stop at nothing to find abby she was willing abandon her friends and lie to get to abby.

    killing mel a pregnant woman on their side by mistake, makes her realised that this could be dina thats why towards theatre section they all are willing to let go because it is now destroying ellie's mental health and now it is seriously dawning on her that dina could get hurt and she doesnt want that. Then abby walks in….

    The fight it self in the theatre the fact that both of them are pregnant makes you fear for dina, abby would have no problem slitting her throat because she wants ellie to feel the same pain she did.

    The pregnancies hold a lot of weight you dont need to like it. It emphasises the anyone could die theme and is not implemented into the plot for the sake of it which is why i dont see it as solely shock value…

  18. I love how some of the developers react to part in Neil's initial pitch when he mentions Joel's brutal death lol. That one dev's face was like "Neil . . I think you've gone too far" lol. Neil is talented storyteller but he desperately needs someone to reign in his more "extreme" tendencies.

  19. I disagree fully with most of your takes. Remember "you can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself." And that is exactly what Neil did, he told the story he wanted and if there was something he wishes to change he now has a TV show to change. I really hope he doesn't do any fan service to me or you or anyone else.


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