Scott Ritter: "Ukraine IS GETTING SLAUGHTERED, IT'S ALL OVER" in Exclusive Interview

Scott Ritter: “Ukraine IS GETTING SLAUGHTERED, IT’S ALL OVER” in Exclusive Interview
Scott Ritter joins us on this exclusive interview to discuss the Russia Ukraine war, the conflict of Bakhmut, the bad feelings between Putin and Zelenskyy and how this war will end. Russia rained down over 80 missile on Ukraine last night after figuring out how to bypass their air defense systems. Scott Ritter and Stephen Gardner also discuss military predictions of Colonel Douglas Macgregor on how this war will end and Putin’s next military moves.
Scott Ritter is an American author, pundit, former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer, former United Nations Special Commission weapons inspector. Ritter served as a junior military analyst during Operation Desert Storm.

Discussed on the show:

Scott Ritter – “This Time It’s Different” (The American Conservative)
Scott Ritter – “Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut: ‘Our troops are not being protected’” (Kyiv Independent)
Scott Ritter – “Putin’s next military move”
Scott Ritter – “Why Putin attacked Ukraine”

#scottritter #interview #redpilledtv

@RedactedNews @StephenGardner1 @DouglasMacgregorStraightCalls ​


47 thoughts on “Scott Ritter: "Ukraine IS GETTING SLAUGHTERED, IT'S ALL OVER" in Exclusive Interview”

  1. Scott Ritter, a convicted pedophile, is so full of crap when it comes to his "insights" in Ukraine that if he were given an enema he would cease to exist.

  2. CW 4 keo USA SF 5th – 1st a groups SAD 43 years SOG/PAG: 100% got your back brother! There is a kit more of us than you know!

    I know the dark side too. Been off the grid since my return from FOB Shank Afghanistan! God bless you and if you ever need back up just text me. Keo

  3. the american government are worse than the nazis in almost every way yet its people are completely brainwashed to think they are the good guys just like the german population did in the 1930s.more concerned who uses what bathroom rather than the fact we are literally on the brink of the destruction of all life on earth,the world defeated the nazis now the world has to defeat the americans, we learnt nothing from history.

  4. The Ukrainians that 'hate Russians' are of the OUN-B Stephan Bandera (Organization of Ukraine Nationalists-Bandera).
    The vast majority of young OUN members joined Bandera's faction, which is devoted to the independence of Ukraine, a single-party, fascist totalitarian state, free of national minorities and was later responsible for the ethnic cleansing pogroms, implicated in collaboration with Nazi Germany.
    OUN leaders Andriy Melnyk OUN-M and Bandera OUN-B both served as agents of the Nazi Germany military intelligence Abwehr Second Department during WW2.
    There are those Ukrainians who are 'not associated' with either Nazi principled organization; and who wish for the Ukraine to be De-Nazified.
    Namely, those living in: the Crimea, Kherson, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk People's Republic (which had referendums and agreed to join Russia).
    Of course, the NWO political cartel NATO, U.S., EU and UN have deemed the democratic referendums illegal.

  5. What confuses people is: how is it possible to be Jewish and anti-Semitic? The matter is very simple. Ethnic Jews are originally one of the Semitic Jewish peoples that made up 12 tribes, whose religion is Jewish. Khazars are not Semites. They joined the Jews much later by accepting the Jewish faith. So we had and still have a situation where the Khazars are, at the same time, Jews, Nazis, and anti-Semites all in one. Hitler and over thirty of his closest associates were Khazar Jews, who were also financed by the banking families of Khazar Jews, and who are all jointly responsible for the genocide of the ethnic Jewish people. Nazism did not emerge from under the coat of arms of the German people, but from the power structures of the Hazard and British people. So the ideologues and perpetrators of the Holocaust present themselves as victims of that genocide they committed. When this is known, then it is very simple to understand, where does Zelensky's Nazism come from, Poroshenko in Israel… Today's Khazar Jews compared to ethnic Jews are 90% versus 10%. Before the Holocaust, those percentages were reversed. How do you think it came about?

  6. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. HEE-HAW… HEE-HAW… HEE-HAW. You need to go and eat some hay.

  7. I would still like and hope that someone will send a message to Scott Ritter:

    Can Scott Ritter explain WHY he analyzes that Russia's manufacturing is and can rapidly increase, but Ukraine's the USA's and Europe's manufacturing ability cannot increase to meet the need for ammunition, artillery shells, etc.

  8. Scott Ritter was arrested and admitted to trying to have sex with a minor, ergo anything this mouthpiece for war says is absolute BS. Whether he is for it, against it, don't care! He child to have sex with a kid, therefore, I could care less.

  9. Scott I have to correct you on one very important detail… Most Americans do not agree with the main stream narrative about Russia and Putin. Most Americans understand that we are in the wrong with this battle and that ukraine is corrupt. And maybe %10 know about the ethnic cleaning the puppet government has commited since 2014. But that number is growing. This is NOT a popular war among Americans.

  10. OMFG whoever it was got on here and asked Ritter if he really believed the ADL would support Nazis please TF come see me. I lay awake nights waiting for people who only had history books open in class to hide their hands while they rolled joints. There's literally public documents even available on the Internet showing multiple written Zionist offers to Nazi Germany offering military support against Britain in defiance because of the 1939 White Paper which disavowed the Balfour Declaration due to Jewish violation of its tenets on disrupting the indigenous population. How the hell is this still a thing to Americants? You can trip over the truth getting out of the shower now 😂😂😂

  11. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ritter was the subject of police sting operations for sex crimes in 2001 and 2009, and was convicted of sex crimes involving a minor in 2011.

  12. Here we are sticked with the collective west locking up the people because of carbon footprint destroying the climate but the same collective west at the merge of and prepared to destroy the climate with their nuclear bombs. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


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