The lull before the storm …

I talk to Karren Dodd from the Freedom Network about the hubs she has set up and why they are so important for the next phase of the battle for freedom.

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48 thoughts on “The lull before the storm …”

  1. Tell me how you are dealing with the sheepeople, the bbc listeners and the(god forbid) goverment the msn, all the untruthful people in the world the world has at least 70% of them.shoul de kilo all animales, like the WEF suggest!

  2. For the lady guest and anyone else, Bromelain TOGETHER with N-Acetylcysteine, supposedly neutralizes the you know WHAT, and spike problems associated with it. Nattokinase also helps.
    I put the guy's video in a playlist but of course nobody listens to little ol me… โœŒ๐Ÿ’–

  3. I hate to appear negative, but if the psychos remain in office, they will stamp out any community hubs. Great theory, but can only work in a Hunger Games apocalyptic future. Otherwise, the current political system must be completely removed.

  4. The rulers of this world only rule by force. Their doctrine is force and violence to create order and good for all at the expense of evil.

    To a degree I agree with force, this is a bitter pill to swallow; that the plebeians are so ill educated, unevolved that only force works on them no amount of intelligence works.

  5. Net zero means not absolute zero it means one party a privileged one will get to pollute at a certain time for a time while another party is not allowed either totally and absolutely or they can buy the privilege to pollute for a short time but mostly NET ZERO is polluters will continue to pollute and We The People would be expected to abide by absolute zero rules in that way +1 minus -1 is net zero achieved.

  6. Buying LAND is one thing – KEEPING it – in times of Tyranny! – is another! …. Governments will 'Compulsory Purchase' land that they feel is supporting folk OUT of the Surveilled/Controlled Population … Already, Farmers in other countries are facing this VERY dilemma …..

  7. THOUGHT!! about uniting …. All the time David Icke was telling the World ALL About the VERY THINGS we're now experiencing over 25+ years as a Lone Ranger He was left ALONE!! …. But ONCE He got Popular Exposure at the START of the Pandemic He was SHUT DOWN in a matter of a FEW HOURS ….. Even NOW! There are many Countries who simply WILL NOT! allow him to ENTER – Let alone SPEAK!! … It's great being a Maverick, but be AWARE!! that you are STILL 'controlled' by #TheFew/#TheDarkangels/#TheChurchOfThePoisonedMinds etc …….

  8. I havent paid an electric bill since last year. I refuse to make it easy for the greedy profiteers. Usually one reminder then the threats come, but I just keep getting reminders, so they can bugger off. They must be in chaos and I will rebel as long as I can. Dont make it easy for them….

  9. Mr Vobes. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข The comments are so many, is there any point in putting a reply???

    Russell Brand is constantly backing Trump yet trump made buying 2nd hand items from ebay and relations with Americans impossible. It was great before. Now its far too expensive. And even for Americans within the USA they dont seem to care or bother about it. I think it really killed the relationship between normal people and made people use Amazon instead. So a strategy that was pro bezos.

    Trump is a villain in my opinion we need to ditch these oligarchs. I dont know why brand supports them.

    Brand is an enigma that cannot be trusted. One minute he opposes the establishment then he has his arm around it. The only reason he is allowed to be on there is because he is an advert himself for lavish lifestyle and excess and thats their brand. He is helping them as much if not more than any opposition he lays on the table.
    He just has lost touch.

    This show is much more realistic to the right cause but success eventually gets to everyone. How can we help everyone without selling out??๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

  10. They are doing the police tricks to me. They have done it since my campaign. Its a power move and it is done exactly as a response when i do something strong or effectively potential of advancing my situation or position.

    I believe its part of the matrix now connected to the staged and planned incidents. ๐Ÿ˜

  11. More woolly brained nonsense on the Vobes channel. What exactly is being set up? What is this alternative form of government? That's the problem with this stuff – there's no detail, just a lot of empty heads moaning and whining about 'our freedoms'. Laughable.

  12. 10:14 Ego is a way of referring to a human being; now please consider what this plant is saying : That the wills of human beings, so the rights of the individual, should be sacrificed for the sake of an imposed, perceived "greater good"; now people, lets consider this ……. WHO does THAT sound like ?

  13. What a great interview. As someone who Co founded a group of like minded people as an extention to our stand in the park, I can totally appreciate the work involved and differences between personalities and just about everything said, as we also had a grouo split,but have now reorganised and moved foward. I met Karen a couple of months ago at a meeting of like minded people in Essex and most of us present are now good friends and are part of a collection of local groups as Karen described and many of us are regularly active in various events,outreach, meetings and also standing for our local councils recently.Many towns and cities have groups like this,and this is the way to go forward

  14. Itโ€™s right that we are in the eye of the storm.
    What many donโ€™t realise is that the 2020-22 lockdown was a pilot for the ruling mafia to tease out the issues before they stage the main event which will come I believe in 2024, probably March again.
    This is why the first lockdown was allowed to fizzle out. They had got all the data they needed to properly plan the real thing.

  15. The New York Times March 20th. 1922 .

    "These international bankers and Rockefeller oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission, or drive out of public office, officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government ."

    26TH March 1922 . "!!!

    Governments are in LOCKSTEP with the Rockefeller Foundation's plan for the world.

    As published in May 2010.The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has timeliness today, for the real menace of our Republic is the invisible government , which like a giant octopus sprawls it's slimy length over city, State, and Nation… it seizes in it's long and powerful tentacles over our Executive Officers, our Legislative Bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers and every agency for the public protection."

    They still control the message. We are in LOCKDOWN as recommended in those plans. !!!

  16. The foundation of Democracy is Consent, your consent has been eradicated through council tax!
    without the mind, heart and will of the people the goons have nothing.


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