The Lord of the Rings: The tracks of the trailers of the power rings explained

Five years after his announcement for the first time, the first of the Lord of the Rings: the rings of power are almost there.
#LordRings #The #RingsPower #trailersclues
Five years after the first time was announced, the premiere of the Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is almost here. The new series of ultra expensive prime video prequels, based on the world created by J.R.R. Tolkien, promises to take us back to a moment “before the king, before communion, before the ring”, where “a new legend must begin.” It will bring to the screens for the first time the united history of the heroes and villains of the second era of the history of the Middle Earth, thousands of years before the events of the Lord of the Rings in the elderly. The rings to be able to travel long before the events of the Lord of the Rings. The Rings of Power explores an era that was largely not examined before, leaving a lot of surprises and mystery even for Tolkien fans more dedicated. Fans have mocked details about what will come in the highly anticipated new fantasy series, with a three -minute advance launched last month in the San Diego Comic with. Only a couple of weeks later, Prime Video launched what is believed to be the final official advance before the premiere, which revealed some more pieces of the puzzle and elaborated on the elusive clues that had already given us:

Here are the main details we have learned from those advances. Galadriel

“We thought the war, finally, ended.” So pronounces our Guerrera Galadriel heroine at the beginning of the first trailer, providing a very strong message to the spectators that there is violence ahead. For the context: it refers to the War War here, which was where the host of the Valar fought against the dark Morgoth Lord in a horrible struggle that lasted more than 40 years. Its eventual conclusion basically ended the first era of Middle -earth. Lady Galadriel appears prominently in the promotional clip, which is not surprising given her name to her among Lord of the Rings fans. We see her place in the last vacuum Elvis helmet in a massive pile of identical, showing the scope of the battle. Fans can see that many lives have been lost. Image: Amazon Prime Video

“We think our joys would be endless. We think that our light would never be mitigated, “Galadriel continues in the first trailer, as images of impressive landscapes of middle earth flashes on the screen. It is spectacular, but paired with her words, creates an ominous tension, especially once we see Galadriel approaching a palantin, a sphere that is one of several stones to see.


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