The Life & Story of Biggie’s Killer “Poochie”

The Life & Story of Biggie’s Killer “Poochie”
Wardell Fouse, colloquially known as “Poochie,” was more than just a name whispered in hushed tones. His narrative is one of contrasts, a duality that spans the vibrant and vivacious world of hip-hop and the menacing undertones of gang streets. Shockingly, his life wasn’t always mired in the depths of crime and controversy. A native of Los Angeles, Poochie’s early days showcased hints of normalcy, echoes of aspirations, and dreams like any other youth.

00:00 Intro
02:25 Emergence of Poochie
07:30 The Nexus of Music and Gangs
12:50 The Night That Changed Everything
17:52 Poochie’s Web of Connections
22:28 Whispers and Allegations – The Mystery of Biggie’s Assassination
27:13 Unsettled Scores – The Gang Ties that Bind Poochie
31:37 The Final Curtain – Poochie’s Mysterious End
36:21 Outro

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#Biggie #Poochie #KillerStory #InsideTheIndustry


19 thoughts on “The Life & Story of Biggie’s Killer “Poochie””

  1. Stop with this fuckin poochie shit man. Wardell “Micheal POOCHIE Bolton” Fouse. Only someone connected to DR could still be at it. Common knowledge is poochie was placed in the plot by DR. Of course it is. But what they at Deathrow don’t understand is Gene Deal and lil cease who was sitting behind his mentor (big) when he was shot. Tell me do you think this little dude is gonna forget the face of someone who ended the life of his best friend, brother, mentor and right hand man? Y’all think that? I’m sure all y’all even the fool who put this out could never forget a face of such. So stop with this bs. No one puts poochie at the Peterson but the crooks. Why would DR go off and get a MF gangster and pay him while they done had hitters in police uniform that was doing it as it appears for kicks. They done killed pac already. So why go pay some gangbanger that ain’t got nothing to do with the music industry. How would he know who was biggie or puff if he didn’t care for the music industry. When you send someone to kill a celebrity you more than likely gonna send someone that is familiar with the person. Like Perez Mack who was there the whole time while it unfolded. I have seen famous people in person and some times they don’t look like what you saw on tv.
    How many of y’all ever seen Deion sanders on tv and than see him In person? In person that dude look like he sniff cocaine All day long. His nose looks like MJs nose in real life. I had to do a double take. You know how many fat niggas were at the Peterson? Many.
    Let’s say it was poochie. You think he gonna want all this yapping over radios? You think that sequence of shots and where they hit was the work of a gang banger? Hell nah. That shit was a straight line and done by a pro.
    One last thing. Had it been poochie. I’m sure he would have told a family member or someone real close that he took out big. 2
    Twenty sum odd years later not one has stepped forward. Just weirdos lying about the same stuff.
    Someone by now would have come forward. Personally if it was me someone would have known what I did. If they didn’t and it was never told why even do the hit if you ain’t gonna reveal you were responsible. Lol

    And I don’t mean to sound like I am talking bs on mr fouse. Yeah he is about his shit. But he had nothing to do with this. To say he did a hit of that magnitude and to pay him like a dope fiend is insulting to that man’s character of who he was.

  2. How much anyone want to bet. If this 2pac case don’t get solved than bigs won’t. And one day years From now on his death bed. Amir mohammed is going to admit he was the hit man. He’s gonna do it because if he a real Muslim he will not take that to the grave. Muslims are encouraged to come clean for better afterlife.

  3. Most false claims ever.
    Wrong info. Only thing that seems right is that Wardell Fouse was a killer.
    Thats it. Most didnt like him and Poochie hated Rappers and studio's and all that artist sh*t.

  4. People who saying….' Poochie has nothing to do with Notorious BIG death.. it's much deeper'….
    Stop making it .ore than it actually is..
    Mob Piru guys know exactly who did what.
    Not no involvement by Federal units controlled by Goverment members who in reallity are mutant Clones from Planet Lizzardion …


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