The last of us | episode 5 | full bloater Scene

I already know The last of us show is going to be one of the best shows ever made when it’s finished


44 thoughts on “The last of us | episode 5 | full bloater Scene”

  1. To be shooting with a sniper in the dark and Ellie was running and avoiding those zombies, thats was nerve-wracking! Could have easily shot Ellie. Adrenaline was high when watching this whole bloater scene.

  2. These two episodes would have been so much better if Kathleen wasn't an integral part of the plot. We need way more information regarding her position and the perspective of those who are following her and her brothers ideals. I understand exactly the demeanor they were trying to go for but she didn't nail it at all. Doesn't help that she looks like Amy Schumer and sounds like your local neighborhood HOA leader.

  3. okay here’s a problem, the hunters (kansas resistances)
    did not expect infected zombies to show up because there not trained for this situation
    they thought machine guns are safe but not really because bullets will run out and then fighting melee combat is the worst decision ever
    they should have run but stayed and fight like idiots
    their leader kethleen is a moron
    and we all know that the city itself already infested with zombies like a ant hive
    there doomed anyways

  4. Cuckmann w the classic “make character stupid so they die” trope. You telling me survivors who have lived for years in a infected-ridden hellscape go start eyed and stare at a bloater rushing at them? It just doesn’t make sense and is completely immersion ruining. People praise how down to earth this is in comparison to the games but I just don’t get it. Pedro Pascal is popping each infected, runner, clicker, or what not with one rifle shot why these trained militia men scatter and get slaughtered like pigs.

  5. kinda lame. Infected moving like world war Z.
    Never was a fan of clickers being able to sprint out like an army of ants. Just doesn't feel right to lore. A decaying human body shouldn't ever be able to do that

  6. No show is perfect, and adaptions well always come with pitfalls. Avid fans of the game upset about deviations. Some wanting more. But tbh Neil Drukmann and the whole crew, have somehow pulled it off. Unlike most adaptations. Theyve found that key balance of keeping faiithful to the source matarial, but delving deeper into the story.

  7. They Really Nailed the Infected, the Clickers, and the Bloater look like you're playing the game. It looks like the Actual Game and looks Real too Just combining both those 2 Just makes this Series a Legend.


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