The Kingdom Hearts 4 Story is 9 Years in the Making

While Kingdom Hearts 4 was only recently announced and had a Trailer, the Story building up to this Game is YEARS in development..

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Outro Song is β€œCrumbling Away” by Alisa | Check her Out on Spotify and Social Media! (BIG THANKS TO HER FOR THE SONG)
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Thanks to Everyone Involved in the Outro Animation & Creation of Nara!
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The Winter Remix of Crumbling Away was done by DDProd –

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48 thoughts on “The Kingdom Hearts 4 Story is 9 Years in the Making”

  1. Please do NOT start with this. 9 years in the making and this false hype will get the game and fanbase NOWHERE. what happens when KH4 takes 13+7 years to release and it is nothing but a sequelbaiting traipse through horridly by the books Disney IPs ala KH3?

  2. My question for Union X was; "Why have a big sell for dream eater costumes and medals but we do not get to keep them?"

    I miss my dream eater companion and having to look at the medals.

  3. I can't believe i found all the mobile game lore after KH3 and being confused as hell thinking i was caught up with all the lore from the games. It wasn't until I saw chirithy embrace ven at the end and I was like, wait, what the heck it that… opened up so so much that one small google search

  4. If we ever get a timeline I think using the events of BBS would be best. Kinda like how SW uses the Battle of Yavin as a calendar. So we could get events as x BBBS (Before Birth By Sleep) and x ABBS (After Birth By Sleep).

  5. 4 is the last shot I may have for the series. Xehanort was not an interesting villain and I hate how the series is dependent on a mobile title to build a story.

    I also dont like how 3 handled Xehanort’s defeat or how KHDR is trying to tell I should.

    So for me to care anymore beyond this point I really beed a title or story that finally leaves him behind.

  6. Mobile gaming sucks tho. They should really put union x, dark road, and missing link on console. Maybe as a 3.8 collection, like DDD, back cover and the aqua minigame were the 2.8 collection

  7. Another fun video! Thank you. I didn't think about how many years it had been. Side note: I'm hyped for these eventual Foreteller boss fights lol!
    Stay well out there everybody, and God bless you, friends. ✝️ πŸ™‚

  8. Am I the only one that gets emotional any time Versus XIII and its ultimate cancellation and Nomura's inability to ever fully tell that story is mentioned? I'm so glad he's bringing some of it to KH now, we all know how much the Fabula Nova Chrysalis trilogy and the KH saga has meant and still means to him, and we're able to get more of his wonderful ideas brought to life.

  9. Dude, I still need to beat the dlc for kh3, but the data battles are fricking hard. Especially in critical Haha should I just beat it on easy to experience the limit cut episode?

  10. Idk if this is a unpopular opinion. But I love kh I always have and always will. It started out as a mash up of FF & Disney with a couple of original characters but over the years and many games I feel like that has changed quite a bit yes there’s still Disney less FF then there was which is fine KH is evolving. I will always support KH but if I’m being completely honest I personally feel and want them to pull back on the Disney and focus more on the original story n characters of KH I feel as if there has been enough world building for them to do so. I will always accept and love Disney characters and worlds same thing for FF but I love the KH characters and KH history I just wish there was more focus on it

  11. I am shocked by how many people are just okay with these crap chibi art MTX nightmares. Any other franchise will be burned alive for this but KH community seems happy to throw money at these ridiculous wallet traps and somehow that's enough to get them immersed into these stories and have their minds blown over strelitzia or whatever..I thought the line had been firmly drawn in '05 when people were upset over important plot points needing whole consoles to be purchased before experiencing, and now it's locked behind awful live service…Thank goodness for youtube channels like this which remove the paywall to experiencing these stories. KH really feels like a simple dish has had too many steps added in the recipe, too much garnish, too much meat, it's something which doesn't fit on a god-damned plate anymore.

  12. Hopefully Kingdom Hearts Missing Link explains what happened to Skuld. After they all escaped into the pods. Everyone got sent to different timeliness. It showed where everyone who escaped in the pods transported everyone in different timeliness. Evwryone except Skuld. She must be the missing link or she might show up at some point in missing link we only got a brief glimpse of her in KH3 in the keyblade war with Ephemer so that also must mean she's also dead.

  13. Part of me wishes that they had just kept the whole story on console instead of going into different areas for the gameplay, because the story got pretty confusing after 2. And another part of me is excited for this because Tidus and some of the other FF characters might come back into play in KH4.

  14. For those who wrote about 2023 and 2024, I believe you. For I am taking the task of collecting the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection, (the animates features with stories) I have 13 down and. 10 more to go. Now I'll be expecting the Masterpiece edition of Pocahontas and Bambi. So by the time I collect the rest next year and follow God's command for the rest, maybe we might get information on KH4 somewhere in 2024. So may our miracle come true and Hopefully God will help Nomura out with our hope and miracle. And to see it will happen, I shall receive the Mystical Magic 8 Ball this Christmas. And besides I don't want those being tormented by the remaining KH series in 9 years. So hopefully when I have the Mystical Magic 8 Ball, it might happen somewhere in 2024, there for everyone will not sleep away like Norb and Dag did in the sequel to Up All Night. And despite that Sora joined Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we should agree that it is a shame that a most requested fighter who has to wait for 9 years. So will shall see when I receive the tool that will guide to our hope and miracle of KH4 in 2024.

  15. I have some expectations for KH4 since I haven't been really happy with the series in general lately:

    Number 1: If this truly is a new saga and the Xehanort stuff is definitely and forever over (which I would hate because these characters were super interesting and not even close to elaborated enough on) – then I hope that this saga will finally be ONLY ON ONE CONSOLE (or all of it also available for PC) – the fact we had to switch from PS2 to GBA back to PS2 to PSP to PS3 and also to MOBILE (which I obviously didn't do, I have a PS4 and a PC why the hell would I play any mobile game at all??) was absolutely horrendous, bad practice and a way to milk your fans of money I honestly haven't seen anywhere else, biggest problem here was that EVERY SINGLE GAME was important to the story. So our parents were expected to buy multiple consoles for us if we wanted to follow the story, big red flag and I'm still mad at nomura for this, this was unnecessary a f.

    Number 2: Maybe if Nomura and Co focus on their story this time we also don't need a DLC to understand basic information and what's going on in the story.
    I know nomura wants to write an interesting, complex story that's not easy to understand. But there's a difference between good writing and making it arbitrarily hard to understand by not showing us 50% of what's going on (no I am not mad we got DLC, I am mad we needed said DLC in order to understand the basic story however).

    Number 3: Focus on the OG story and not as much on Disney Worlds – I know this is your appeal to draw in kids, but the main story has always only been happening in the very beginning and the very ending. We were reminded during the middle of the story like "hey we btw still exists, xoxo the bad guys" – but nothing happens in the middle part, only disney worlds with unimportant plots. (ffs in frozen we had to listen to let it go again and I dunno about you but nothing was more unnecessary than to implement this scene, it had absolutely 0 effect on the story and sora and co were just standing there uncomfortably doing absolutely nothing – this was the easiest way to fill time and space in the game and it really shows by how badly it was implemented). Either do it like you did it in KH 1 and partially KH 2 as well as maybe BBS where the overall plot was mixed into the disney worlds and they actually held some information and importance to complete, or get rid of the disney worlds because they are only filler until you get to the OG parts again, and I know I'm not the only one complaining about this.

    Number 4: Make an actual post game like every other developer nowadays and don't hide it behind a 30$ paywall. Other developers are able to do that, why aren't you Nomura? Haven't you milked your fans enough over the past decade?

    Number 5: Stop trying to squeeze out money from the fanbase who already supported you over multiple years, multiple games and MULTIPLE CONSOLES on every opportunity you get.
    The 30$ DLC was honestly not worth 30$. Yeah we finally got the story explained to us (which should have happened during the main story I paid 60$ for) and we got a circle where we can fight 14 characters. I'm sorry but if this is worth so much money, why was KH2FM almost the same price as KH 2 then?

  16. KH has the stupidest storyline to ever enter video game history. it is not exciting, it is damn annoying and separates any casual gamers from wanting to enter the scene from those that have been following along since the beginning. Nothing makes sense even when you do know the story because of shit like time travel and mystical/unexplainable power of hearts. i'm done with KH.

  17. I was around 15 years old when Kingdom Hearts 1 came out and I played it, fantastic game that's just full of nostalgia for me. I love the series but these type of videos just crack me up. The series was not planned out, it's just a bunch of cool imagery, a mashup of different stuff from our childhoods, and a nice splash of anime bullshit. The story in the series makes no sense though, it's just a bunch of random shit being cobbled together by Nomura meant to elicit emotional and nostalgic reactions from the players and it does a great job at that. To pretend there's an actual plot here with any consistency and logic is a joke.

  18. I played the phone game when it came out as kingdom hearts x in 2015 I remember making it to about lvl 750 and the story hadn't progressed for the past 200 lvls and the story started to feel irrelevant after clearing 50 lvls and getting a lame (nothing added to the story) short cutscene and would have to play another 50 lvls till the next story point so I eventually quit thinking the game was just a money grab considering all the Disney worlds just felt pointless. Years later we would come to see that the game had a lot of story to do with the future of the series and the next updates were hard hitting plot points for the dandelions and everything after the keyblade war along with all the old and new characters that were becoming critical pieces in the future plot but I didn't know about that till years later when my interest came back for KH3 just to find out the game is no longer in service and you can only watch the 900+ cutscenes that are fairly unorganized when it comes to the timeline and cutscenes that were more important than others but you just have to trudge through all of them so you don't miss an important one. I would love a proper recap so the more casual audience or even big fans that didn't really like the mobile game don't get turned off by not fully understanding the story in the next main line KH game, I've had to watch several fairly long youtube videos recaping the events of the story and even then its a lot to take in and understand. I'm not sure how Square would plan on telling the story to everyone that missed the mobile game but I think they need to do something to tell the story if they want to keep the general audience in the loop.

  19. Yea well KH3 was 13 years in the making and I felt it lacked a ton of potential progression the previous titles had, it might've been since I was 13 years older playing 3 and not really playing BBS or DDS.

  20. The problem with kingdom hearts is they don't focus on the main games they have waaay too many spin offs that are sub par but relevant to the story. They should just consolidate all of that into an anime so that the game devs can focus on the core games.

  21. I think I know who the master of masters is and no I'm not going to twist of The Master of Masters is a version of Sora but it might be underwhelming nonetheless if I'm correct. I think the master of masters could just be another version of Master Xehanort. I mean he has a similar stance to the master of masters he showed up as a memory form of himself and Kingdom hearts Melody of memory which if we put Melody of memory and it's letter format we get MOM which that by itself is the initials for Master of Masters. And Melody of memory already showed us that the Master of Masters and Xehanort both knew about the world on the other side as we now know as quadratum. Now this is still just my theory and I could be wrong but I think I would be a little underwhelmed if that ends up being the case because if so that would mean that we are still secretly in the dark secret saga.


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