Star Wars: Imperium (Fan Made) – "The Disconnected"

Composition by #JohnWilliams
Complete Score by Zeiich (EmpireFO)

0:00 – Mercenary Ship In Hyperspace (Flight in Point)
1:13 – Exits into Battle of Helska IV
2:22 – Destruction of Helska IV
2:51 – The Next Step (Assault on Kor Chokk)
3:53 – Starlight Gives Moving and Battle against Kor Chokk
5:04 – Lieutenant Ciena Detects Mercenary Ship
5:56 – Final Assault on Kor Chokk
7:57 – Union Fleet vs Yuuzhan Vong Kor Chokk
8:50 – Destruction of Kor Chokk
9:22 – Ciena Contacts with Mercenary Ship
9:46 – Mercenary Ship (Star-Dust) Flight from Ciena Fighter
9:55 – Imperial Remnant Pursuit Star-Dust
11:02 – Flight to Wreckages of Helska IV
12:43 – Quasar Takes Control to Ship
12:53 – Starlight’s Maneuver from Ciena Fighters
13:32 – Two Ace Pilots (Quasar and Ciena)
14:03 – Star-Dust Enter to Hyperspace
14:14 – Starlight about Battle of Helska IV and Ciena Views
14:46 – Exits from Hyperspace and Flight on Zecx (Ice Planet)
15:43 – Landing Broken Star-Dust
16:24 – Zecx Planet
17:49 – Quasar Starlight and Thane Hyrox Scouts the Area


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