The Issue of Morality & Virtue | Imam Tom Facchine

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13 thoughts on “The Issue of Morality & Virtue | Imam Tom Facchine”

  1. Alhamdulillah for all the gifts our creator has bestowed on us may HE make us worty of Jannatulfirdaus near HIM for eternity and may ALLAH bless you and your family in this world and Hereafter with Alsadiq and Al Ameen kindly remember us also in your Duas Aameen YARABB

  2. the west was sold a bill of good. they were told in the 60's you can be moral without god/religion. 60 yrs later baby mamas outnumber married women. 55 million babies killed in u s since roe v wade. men marry men. kids encouraged to transgender. 25k gun murders per yr in u s. most u s cities are crime infested unlivable


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