The Inevitable War Between Huron And Abaddon – 40K Theories

Huron Blackheart and Abaddon the Despoiler are quite possibly two of the greatest and most successful Chaos Lords to have ever existed. But what could happen should the two ever go to war against one another?

Featuring Samoa Joe as Huron Blackheart

Intro theme and additional audio editing by Officio Audiorum

Additional artwork by Eliphusz, Alexander Korepov, Alexey Potorochin, Disarmonia, Alvaro Jiménez, Yu Hang, Artur Nakhodkin and Kai Lim

All art property of their respective owners.

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32 thoughts on “The Inevitable War Between Huron And Abaddon – 40K Theories”

  1. I don't think BL numbers can be used for equations. There is no internal consistency at all, authors can use whatever numbers they like for the purposes of the story.

    Saying author one writes that a legion has X number and author two states that legion Y is double the size is pretty meaningless. Nobody cross checks the numbers between books or a codex.

  2. The Imperium ONLY survives against the threat of these astronomical odds because of its thick layers of impenetrable plot armor. Chaos, Tyranids, the million strong Black Legion, etc. should have been and eradicated all of humanity along time ago. The Imperium has no legitimate counter to its vast and numerous enemies. At this point, they have zero chance of winning.

  3. One thing that I think it's important to note about the growth of the Black Legion compared to the Red Corsairs is that the Black Legion has fought 12 black cursades against the imperium, which I think it is safe to say, are far higher in intensity and casualties than most of the conflicts the Red Corsairs have fought against the imperium, excluding their invasion fo the White Scars homeworld of course. Due to the casualities the Black Legion has substained during its Black Cursades I don't think it's safe to say that it took them 10000 years to get to their current strength. Though we don't have any sources on it I think it's within the relm of possibility that when the first Black Cursade happened the Black Legion may have had similar numbers compared to what they have now and as the first black crusade only happened 1000 years after the Horus Heresy then that would put the Black Legion at a similar growth rate as the Red Corsairs.

    Edit: Even if the Black Legion was smaller during the 1st Black Crusade I still think it's safe to say that it didn't take 10000 years to for them to reach their current size. While it still may be true that the Red Corsairs do have the advantage in terms of growth speed, the gap may not be as big as 8x.

  4. Huron is a much more interesting character than Abaddon, who is basically just a bargain bin Horus.
    That being said, the whole idea of an overall commander of chaos is stupid, and completely undermines the point of Horus. If any old astartes can unite the various forces of chaos into a unified army, why did the dark gods go to such lengths to secure Horus as their pawn? Id always thought the whole point was that only Horus could have done it, hence why after his death the traitor legions dissolved into infighting.

  5. Dont underestimate Huron. He showed himself to be quite capable during the Badab War. I also wonder if Abbadon would take a conflict with Huron seriously enough to fully mobilize his full strength. I also see Huron as being the instigator in such a conflict and would have a plan of action for it.

  6. Sorry I can't buy the numbers being thrown around, if the Traitors outnumbered the Marines to that degree they would have overrun the Imperium ages ago. With their constant infighting atop the Long War, no internal supply of unmutated gene seed there is no way they could be at their pre-Heresy strength let alone larger.

  7. Always felt like Abaddon was an Archaon the Everchosen-wannabe. He's got heavy plot armor, a big fated ultrastrong demon sword, gifts from the gods and stuff. Huron feels like an evil but cunning and selfish bastard that's clever enough to fully use the strengh of OTHER chaos legions not like Abaddon who's like "I am strong and i use MY brute strenght to crush you". I'd frankly prefer to have Huron as leader as i feel we'd see chaos in a way better way, like each legions/warband, used to their fullest being raw violence, warp power, psychological warfare and stuff.

  8. Given the years of story stagnantation with exception to the past few editions, finally sidelining Abaddon the disappointing and giving somebody else a kick at the imperium would be a real breath of fresh air.

    I'm hoping one of the primarchs can get some revenge on Abaddon by snapping him in half and giving somebody else a shot and thats assuming somebody on Chaos's side like Huron dosent usurp him.

  9. I'd add in that the Black Legion has probably suffered huge losses during and after the fall of Cadia… they seem to be fighting all over the place. On the other hand, both seem to have huge numbers of human Auxilia, but the Black Legion seems to control more planets to recruit/coerce from…they also have long lasting alliances with traitor Titan and Knight houses.

  10. You know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Huron Blackheart and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another warlord, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But I'm a chaotic freak and I'm not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat me. Then you add Haarkan Worldclaimer to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way at Sacrifice, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Haarkan Worldclaimer KNOWS he can't beat me and he's not even gonna try!

    So Huron Blackheart, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 ch- percents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning at Sacrifice. See Huron, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice. – Abaddon the Despoiler challenging Huron Blackheart before the invasion of Sacrifice M42.

  11. Most of the Chaos Space Marine Legions were seriously reduced in number by the Horus Heresy and cannot make new Space Marines as easily as loyalists. The Black Legion accept defectors from other Legions and new traitors, which replenishes their numbers to a degree. However, if Abaddon had a million Space Marines he would never have used salami tactic Black Crusades: he'd have walked in and taken the Imperium. He clearly has far fewer actual Marines than that.

    The Astral Claws were withholding taxes and redirecting Imperial resources to Legion build leading up to the Badab War. They were reduced by the Badab War, but clearly have a similar recruitment policy to the Black Legion. Their geneseed is likely in better condition and new human recruits easier to come by since the Mælstrom is not as messed up and warping as the Eye of Terror.

  12. This doesnt make any sense.

    He got half of his body blown out and his subordinates saved him?

    Why? No one usurped him? Not evem in recovery?

    This is Why chaos is stupif, it cant work whitout plot armor.

  13. Abbadon is the biggest dissapointment of a Space Marine that ever existed. No brain, just a meat head. No charisma or any strategic capabilities. Typical for him – have a problem? Use an OP Machima BS Fortress to make the problem go away. He is very pathetic and without his toys he is absolutely nothing. Time for GW to kill him off and erase this mistake from the lore.

  14. Ideally if GW does this, it leads to Abaddon losing the Planet Killer and Huron losing the Blackstone fortress.
    However, most likely GW just hands Abaddon the win because why would we expect anything else from them?


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