The Immediate Aftermath of 9/11

The US Government had an established plan in the event of a national disaster. But when 9/11 happened, nobody even knew who was in charge.

(CW: Contains scenes from 9/11 which some viewers may find upsetting.)

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43 thoughts on “The Immediate Aftermath of 9/11”

  1. All the views by the panel in this video are 'just their views' and nothing more. Yes, the 9/11 attacks caught U.S officials offguard but American leadership recovered very quickly after confusion and the mastermind and the perpatrators of that attack were all indentified in a matter of hours. 'America got knocked down on 9/11 but America quickly got up' and showed the rest of the world and her adversaries who the Top dog was.๐Ÿ’ฏ

  2. here come all the dumbass comments from the kids that weren't even born yet during 9/11, and this video is completely biased. The American People were pissed off & ready for war. There wasn't anarchy, there was unity. There wasn't any of this cold war bullshit

  3. The thing is, you donโ€™t really need to have someone in control when youโ€™re part of the team that carefully planned the event and you know that thereโ€™s no real external threat. Everything is already in place and on schedule. Youโ€™re already in control. A better response from those that werenโ€™t aware of the plan mightโ€™ve prevented it from being carried out in its entirety or wouldโ€™ve allowed more time for evidence of what actually happened to be collected instead of rapidly removed and discarded. They needed the lack of a preparatory response and resulting confusion for 9/11 to happen in full because if not, the second plane wouldnโ€™t have been able to hit the other tower and that wouldโ€™ve left a whole bunch of damning evidence at the scene pointing at our own government. Evidence that couldnโ€™t be explained away by a bunch of science-defying nonsense.

  4. 2022 WAR ON BUSH ADMINISTRATION FAMILY "THE MOBY DICKS" I Jehovah in my Childhood as discussed on Mountains of America with many U.S. Presidents had one objection from U.S. President George Bush and his Son. โ€‹โ€•โ€‹ World War I German King of Heaven Jehovah Hohenzollernโ€‹

  5. Cheney was in charge. Heโ€™s the biggest war criminals of recent decades, alongside Putin.

    I have 0 doubt that the govt was running around like a headless chicken. Most of those on top in this govt are idiots that got there due to sheer will and confidence rather than actual skill and intellect.

  6. oh wow what a surprise they took gorge bush out of communication range and architect of the war on terror (and possibly the events preceding it) goes straight into the "emergency" decision room

  7. I specifically remember sitting in my boss' office in WTC 1 overlooking the river and the other tower and saying, "imagine if a plane flew into this place, they should have anti-air systems on the rooftops." I quit my job two weeks before the attack. I am not especially afraid of heights, but I was always a little uneasy at work. The water in the toilets sloshed around a bit on windy days. I used to imagine what it would feel like if the building fell. I handled offshore private equity investment documents for Merell Lynch, and Osama Bin Laden's parents were subscribers in some if the funds I did the books on. They had an address in Beverly Hills. Saudis were like 50% of the individual subscribers, along with pro athletes, bankers and Texas oil men. George Steinbrenner was in there. Thinking about it all still freaks me out.

  8. The only way to win a Nuclear War is to make sure that it never starts! Even if the big shots manage to hide somewhere. When they come out, they will find an unlivable planet!

  9. It absolutely baffles me how many young people today, born in or after 2001 who literally never learned about how intense and extensive this day was. I keep seeing them say that they had no idea. Meanwhile half of the rest of us who were cognizant enough on this day remember the absolute sheer horror. Including all of their teachers. What are they teaching these kids in school?


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