The Hoover Hog debacle!

Here’s your Frank Saturday video!

If you’d like to send a card or letter, send it to:
Frank Rickman
P.O. Box 4
Livingston TN 38570


18 thoughts on “The Hoover Hog debacle!”

  1. Great storytime. Consequences. Not to change subject but you have jack rabbits in Tennessee? As a young man, we had lots of them. We would shoot them out of the wheat fields here in Texas. The meat was tough and stringy. We learn right quick, to boil them first before frying. They were also good in chili.Thanks for a great story time…. and it's a funny thing. Jack rabbits are not rabbits. They are in the hare family… most people don't even have a ideal about that. I guess that Jackrabbit sound better than Jack Hares ….😂😂😂

  2. Must be a good start to your day what all with the rainbow, and with Frank helping wrap your silage pile! Ouch! Sure looks like Caleb came out on the short end of some kind of a stinging critter. Why even that bed of potatoes freshly picked couldnt take the sting off those bites. Sure will be some fine meals ahead there from all the hard working picking and bringing in the potato crop. And now to top it all off with good clover… did anyone say honey!! ? Still wondering why those old timers were not fixing up more rabbit stew back during the bunny plague. Wondering where are the bee boxes? Wondering where Frank drifted off to? Wondering why your boys didnt have a pot of hot fat set atop a wood fire to make some of those freshest of french fries? Wondering just how many "shorts" now are in production from this morning's episode of Frank's Making The Silage as part of this being a Great Day for all!! -Bob…

  3. DAWG , them yeller jackets knocked some of the Juice OUT of Caleb , but he kept plugging on . Shows you the difference betwixt a country boy who can take getting stung , and a city slicker boy who would have probably wound up in the Emergency Room

  4. Thank you for the story Micah. A very good message for us to take onboard. What was Caleb stung by? The most painful sting I've received was in the bone of my little finger. Poor Caleb.


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